Ditch glanced at Manny, muttering something under her breath as he mentioned he hoped she had something to fight mind control. “Uh, sure. I did that and baked you a pie too.” She said with a sigh, reaching out to take the remains of the bracelet from his hand when he snatched it away, causing her to glare. “You’re not going to let me work myself to death, but you’re already waiting for more answers. Seems a bit contradictory.” She deadpanned, but despite Omega only truly trying to help, it sounded more like ‘fuck you’. Raven Tale was met with the same look. “Both of you,” Ditch snapped alongside Reaper. “I don’t need any shit right now. Your hearts are in the right place but your mouths are not. There’s better ways to spend our time then bickering, and frankly, I’m going to fucking explode if you continue doing so.” Ditch stared Wraith straight in the eye. “[i]Literally.[/i]” Then, Ditch spun around on her heels, facing Omega. “Five more minutes before bed, dad.” And then she spun back around. “I know I just shoved a kid and a mind controller on you, but if you’re worried about this it’s gonna get a fuck ton worse. First of all, I don’t think this place is compromised. He had to have dropped the bracelet when I carried him here, and by his reaction I don’t doubt he was wearing it. Why he didn’t-” Cough. “Ditch it -- that was absolutely fucking necessary by the way - I’ve got no damn clue, but he would’ve been caught by now, and we would’ve been caught too. I think we’re okay. “Second of all, the topic of this kid - whatever home we find for him, whatever he can tell us. He means something to Umbra and he’s [i]escaped[/i] Umbra somehow, and that means we have info. Info in abundance, actually. If we earn his trust, any little thing he tells us will save days and days of research. It took me four days just to tell you Umbra’s got a friend. [i]Four. Days.[/i] And I fucking hacked this city in three hours.” She sounded disgusted with herself, as if her search for info hadn’t been a success. It had, in certain ways. It was tough to find stuff like this; maybe she’d just been hoping it wouldn’t be something that was actually helpful. Ditch stopped for a moment to regain her breath. She ran a hand through her long, drenched hair, collected it and wrung it out on the floor. Then she took her glasses out of her pocket, did her best to make sure the lenses weren’t wet, and put them on. She also took a moment to point at Ecto. “Yeah, why don’t we run from all our current problems and pretend as if there isn’t a megapowered serial killer running around with a mind controller and a glowy eyed kid in our laps. I think you can wait five more minutes.” “If I can just -- maybe pinpoint the identity of one of his goons and track them back to his base -- or maybe I could.. God, I just don’t know where I’m going with this information.” Ditch said with a groan. “More and more questions keep coming up but I can’t ever find any answers. There’s no hard pattern in the people he takes or whatever he’s planning to do with them. He’s so damn well hidden it’s almost like he’s nobody.” Ditch paused, pulling a sharpie out of her back pocket and uncapping it with her teeth before rolling up her sleeve to reveal a bunch of watered down writing and pen markings on her arm, probably ruined from the rain. She muttered something that sounded like, “Fuck, I gotta get a notebook,” Before writing something down, something that traveled down the length of her arm, holding the cap between her teeth as she spoke next with a slight lisp because of it. “About the kid again -- He can be here with me a couple hours if one of you wants to set up some temporary place for him,. I’m sure his parents or relatives are looking for him, I hope it won’t be too long before we find his family. I’ll try to look for them as soon as he gives me his last name, it shouldn’t be too difficult of a task. Hopefully he can answer a couple questions. I really think it'll help out.” She had hope for this child, it was clear; maybe too hopeful.