[@Tyki] Unsure quite how to react to an unknown being presenting a message in his native language, Kaygo cringed inside, the implications being beyond understanding. He attempted to keep quiet, but such a thing drove him past anything his training had taught him. "[i]A soldier never abandons his weapon.[/i]" he stated just loud enough for the being to hear. He peered through the scope of his rifle, his sights filled with a gory sight once properly focused. He could barely make it out, but it seemed the largest attacker in the previous group had ripped another completely in half. Kaygo felt sick, sure, he had served his fair share of violent missions, but something so brutal was not a thing he could ever be properly prepared for. Gulping deeply, he lowered his rifle and spoke again to the mysterious being that was so close to him; "[i]I don't know if you really understand me, but I'd really prefer not to start any hostilities, or at least not right away...[/i]" Sargent Masunune trailed off, hoping deeply that perhaps this being was not as violent as the thing that had hurled it into him in the first place.