[center][h1][b][color=firebrick]"[/color][color=red]UN[/color][color=darkred]CIV[/color][color=firebrick]I[/color][color=darkred]L[/color] [color=firebrick]WA[/color][color=darkred]R[/color][color=firebrick]"[/color][/b][/h1] [i]"A tale of men doing all the wrong things for all the [s]right[/s] [color=red]WRONG[/color] reasons."[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIrLiFL9obo]Theme[/url][/center] [h2][center][color=firebrick]-PLOT-[/color][/center][/h2] Your characters are fighting in a civil war, in a desperate attempt to topple the most powerful government to exist since the late twenty-first century. The odds of success are ridiculously low, the odds of survival are even lower. The stakes? Just high enough to make it all worth it. Gain control of the governments not-so-secret weapon, and whatever is left of Earth will kneel. Total control, fame, power, and a chance to make the world better. For whatever half-baked reason you attempt to justify, honor is most certainly not one. A fight against upwards of a million soldiers armed with alien technology is only won through dirty play and an utter lack of civility. This is where you come in- [h2][center][color=firebrick]-CHARACTERS-[/color][/center][/h2] The Uncivil war roots from the military -started by martyrs who attempted to preform high treason against the Lord Sisiex-Kamen. While the major players in the rebellion will be rogue military units, the mission is clearly a suicide run for all involved -as such, they would be more than happy to recruit anyone sympathetic to their cause that can hold a gun. [h2][center][color=firebrick]-BACKGROUND-[/color][/center][/h2] [hider=It's a mite longer than the rest]Years in the future, humankind begins colonization of planets past their own. Upon sending their first manned ships past the asteroid belt, they were surprised to see the ship simply disappear from existence. Not an hour later, unknown spacecraft were seen in orbit around each human colony, earth included. What we now assume to be alien infantry marched on the leaders of our world in union, offering no communication. Rather, they offered a strange salute before disappearing. After a year of no further alien sighting, their effect was seen -a massive plague racked humanity. All of humanity off of earth was killed within a day, while those on earth suffered a mortality rate of almost 50%. It took humanity centuries to recover -the sudden loss of so many people resulted in a crash of modern technology, forcing an artificial second bronze age, of sorts. By the time human numbers were at a similar quantity, the governmental powers humanity once knew were long gone, now replaced by three major powers that took control of the chaos. First, the warlike nation of Sisiex, named for their ruler Lord Sisiex-Kaman. Second, the Patriotic Defense League -a rebirth of the United States, focused heavily on reinstating patriotic ideals. Finally, the National Party -a communistic society formed in the burning ruins of Russia. After some heavy handed negotiations, Sisiex successfully subjugated the PDL with the assistance of the NP. Sisiex scientists then attempted to recreate the alien plague, which worked all too well. Upon releasing the plague (and killing off most of the NP in the process) the aliens made contact once more for the first time in centuries. Upon the activation of their infantry, rather than wait around doing nothing, the Nation of Sisiex immediately went to war. The alien forces, not expecting retaliation, were caught off guard and annihilated. The alien technology was almost immediately assimilated into the armed forces for the Sisiex, in case of further alien attack. While the aliens have not shown hide nor hair for decades, true turmoil stirs from within the great nation in the form of a rebellion.[/hider]