[color=silver][b][u]Keri Wolf[/u][/b][/color] [i]Lyn's Hunt[/i] Keri felt the flesh give away as the sword continued forward. Crimson red slowly starting to seep out from the thin line. Smell of blood tainting the air, as if making a promise for revenge. A new sound added to the mix as the vampire step away from the enemy, like something giving up, underneath her weight. Finally the girl stopped moving just a foot away. Grass shifting told that she didn't have time to figure out what it was. The sight in front of Keri was rather... Odd. The armored human looked as if he was entangled with the creature. Though the beast didn't make an attempt to move. Usually the girl would raise and eyebrow and tilt her head but not at this moment. For now the Alpha seemed grasped and the look on his face showed it. The vampire gripped her sword tightly as she lowered towards the ground.[color=silver][i]One, two, and three.[/i][/color] Then off Keri dashed. The sword was low to the ground, as if she was dragging it, though it was for a purpose. Once she was close to the leg she slashed upwards. In theory this would have hit the leg along with towards the side. That was if this had worked they way the girl planned. During the attack the vampire released a hiss showing the monster who attacked him. This hopefully give the woman time to rearrange herself for a better shot while the girl took a step backwards with a smug smirk on her lips.