[center] [color=Goldenrod][h1][b][i]~Little Lion – Simba Lionhart~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m694caFKRQ1rpt4j0o2_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Tarzan. [b]Other Names:[/b] Prince of The Pride Lands, The One True King, Little Lion. [b]Real Name:[/b] Simba Lionhart. [b]Age:[/b] 20. [b]Occupation:[/b] None. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Seven):[/b] [img]http://pic.pimg.tw/eva3q/1360591169-3719670775.jpg?v=1360591170[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Twenty):[/b] [img]http://cdn2.crushable.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/chrishemsworth.jpeg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] As a child, Simba was a very curious, adventurous and almost foolishly brave young man, always looking for something fun to do. He was exceptionally energetic and rambunctious, turning even the scariest of places into a fun adventure. Feeling like he always had something to prove to his father, Simba would sometimes throw himself into dangers way for no reason other than proving his bravery where his arrogance, mischievous and cheeky attitude often times got him into a lot of trouble. Born a royal, he was brought up knowing that one day he would be king and reveled in the knowledge that one day he would rule everything, looking forward to the day when he could order around his subjects. Despite his rather pompous attitude, Simba also had a good heart and longed to become the wise king that he saw his father as and hoped that one day he could become just like him, feeling absolutely beside himself any time he managed to disappoint his father. However, everything about Simba changed when he witnessed his Uncle murder his father in cold blood. Suffering from severe emotional trauma, blaming himself for his father's murder, Simba became withdrawn and depressed, no longer putting value in his own life. It took a few years of isolation outside of The Pride Lands for him to forget about his past and move on with his life. Over the years Simba picked up a happy, carefree lifestyle, thinking nothing of his responsibilities back home. He developed somewhat grotesque habits such as burping and eating bugs, becoming sedentary and stubbornly refuting of his past life. Years of isolation made him no longer see the need to help others (humans), preferring to lock himself away in bliss with his animal friends rather than face the harsh reality of day-to-day life in civilization. Any time he is reminded of his past, Simba is quick to become defensive and oftentimes has bouts of anger that isn't directed towards anyone but himself, but ends up hurting others anyway making him feel more guilty than before. [hider=After Kida] Simba ultimately becomes more sensitive to his past, understanding that the time has come for him to take responsibility and take back what is rightfully his. He becomes accountable and strong-willed, wanting to make right the wrongs he caused not only for himself, but to the others he has caused pain on with his selfish acts by finally being able to admit that he is the ultimate cause of his own inner grief. Now having been forced into maturity by facing his past, holding himself responsible for the land he once swore to defend, he becomes stronger in heart and will, more than before when he was a child. He no longer tolerates being bullied and will not stand for any kind of abuse, animal and human alike, and being particularly defensive of his mother who once reunited with, will stop at nothing to pull her out from Scar's clutches. When challenged, Simba becomes rough around the edges, determined to have his way and unwilling to stand for compromise. No longer just a child, he is brave when he has to be, standing up for his land and his family. Despite his rough exterior, he is still pure of heart to the point where he will forgive Scar even after everything he has ever done but his good-nature will only go so far, as he will always put his Kingdom and family's safety first, becoming more like his father than he ever knew he could by potentially offering his murderous Uncle the option of exile showing that he has a clear balance of both mercy and authority.[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Simba is incredibly fit and athletic, making the mundane tasks of day to day life fairly easy on him as well as harder tasks such as lifting and throwing heavy objects, scaling difficult terrain such as rock walls and steep inclines, and running great distances without tiring almost second nature. He's got a powerful second wind so long as he can control his energy though he can't always depend on it. He's very proficient and can fend for himself in almost any part of the world so long as he has the means to make tools for his survival. One of the more unique skills Simba possesses is a particular gift he was given at the young age of seven years old. On his right palm lay a scar in the shape of a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a0/88/23/a08823ca0af999e8971eec6ae8894dbc.jpg] lion cub[/url] that when near any living, breathing animal, glows a soft blue color alerting Simba that he is near someone who he can bond with. This bond gives Simba the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control it's actions, though controlling the animal is much easier to do if a bond has already been created and strengthened over time. The animals harder to bond with are those of their own strong will, such as lions, leopards, crocodiles and so on, as the easier ones such as jack rabbits, birds, and hippos have a lesser mind and though may not be able to hold as good as a conversation as the others, are easier to control. The interaction between Simba and the animal he is currently bonding with will influence both personalities, for example Simba will take on the characteristics of a lion (such as a true roar) while the lion in turn could have a hankering for some fruit rather than meat. This gift has only been tried on animals, as Simba has not yet had the opportunity to test it on another human being. Simba can reach out his mind to bond with animals he has already created a link with, and can converse with them over large distances; the stronger their link, the further they can communicate. So long as this bond is in effect, Simba can see, feel, taste, hear, smell everything the animal can; as if his soul and the animals soul have become one being. If the animal in which he is bonding with is killed, Simba feels the pain and is forced back into his own mind where the traumatic experience of death will remain in his mind though only 'true death' can be achieved is if Simba is completely and fully within his own mind at the time of the strike. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born the first and only child of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, Simba was brought up in a very rich, provided-for life, never having to want for anything. He was a curious young boy, always wanting to soak up any and all information he could as well as trying to walk in his father's every footsteps so that one day he could become a great King like him. At the age of seven, Simba was put into his father's army to begin his training; the age in which all eligible boys were able to join. At first Simba was excited; he yearned to learn how to fight and defend himself, not to mention the War General was his very own Uncle Scar who he looked up to considerably. But then everything changed when Simba stumbled upon a meeting between Uncle Scar and a few other of the higher ups, planning the murder of The King - Simba's father. Frightened and unable to understand his Uncle's reasoning, Simba returned home to tell Mufasa everything he had overheard, giving the King plenty of time to prepare for Scar's attack. True to their plan, Scar did indeed attempt to take over the castle but Mufasa was ready and Uncle Scar was apprehended and put into an isolated prison. A feast was held in Simba's honor that night, but Simba didn't feel very heroic. His Uncle had betrayed his trust, something the seven-year-old boy couldn't quite comprehend but to keep from disappointing his father, he put on a face and tried to enjoy the festivities anyway. His father's Shaman, Rafiki, called the attention to the room to bestow the young prince with a gift; a blessing. After Mufasa's approval, Rafiki approached Simba and took both of Simba's hands in his own. The Shaman murmured a few things which Simba did not understand completely, but being taught the ancient language of his people he was able to pick out a few choice words such as 'blessing' 'hope' and 'life.' Something changed in Simba then, a slight tickling feeling in his palm which forced the young prince to look at his hand. A wash of blue light encased his entire palm and with a sudden flash of white light it had all disappeared, but in it's stead was a scar in the shape of a lion cub that seemed to pulse with an energy that he did not understand. Over the next couple of months, Rafiki took it upon himself to teach Simba the ways of life, how everything was connected and about the gift that he had since bestowed upon him; the ability to bond. His training with Rafiki was cut off short, however, when one night as Simba was sneaking about to play in the halls of his castle, he caught the shadow of a hulking figure heading towards his father's throne room. Curious, Simba followed. Catching up to the shadow, he realized suddenly that it was his Uncle Scar, who had since been banished from The Pride Lands but Simba said nothing, trusting that his Uncle had been invited so that he and his father could work things out and everything could be the way it was before. But he was wrong. Watching from the shadows, like the coward he realized he was, he saw his father fall as Uncle Scar withdrew the blade from his ribs. His mother was screaming, begging for mercy but Simba didn't stick around any longer to see what happened. He ran, and he never stopped. Thirteen years later, Simba now has a very comfortable, isolated life on the outskirts of the Pride Lands where he has very little contact with other humans. He has made a series of friends over the years, his first and best friend, a red warthog named [url=https://dinahhatch.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/warthog-8934.jpg]Pumba[/url] (who he had learned about through his bonding skill) provided to be a constant companion, as he and Pumba had very much in common with having deserted their families and their near-constant companion [url=http://bioexpedition.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Meerkat_Looking_At_Camera_600.jpg]Timone[/url]. Simba has a deep connection with all the land around him, but more specifically it's wildlife. He only hunts when he has to, and only animals of which he hasn't already bonded with (mostly fish and other small-game) and has no plans of returning home to see what has become of his home or his family, constantly blaming himself for his father's ultimate death. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Simba never went to Earth, and has no idea the place even exists. [b]Other:[/b] Simba wears a ring on a necklace, a gift he received as a child from his mother with his name inscribed on the inside as well as the name of his father and mother, all interconnected in what his mother calls 'the circle of life'. He wears it to this day as a reminder that everything has it's beginning and everything has it's end, but the time in-between is entirely up to him. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_3ixCsv6No]"Life Won't Wait" By Ozzy Osbourne.[/url] [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Simba.gif[/img] [/center]