The first thing Ben heard was the incomprehensible ramblings of the security guard. Following that it was Redhead asking him his opinion on said guard. He was halfway tempted to punch the guy until he couldn't talk like that anymore when something caught his interest; The guard was covered in blood. "Fuck." Ben replied, barely turning to look at the red-haired girl, "I think he's Scottish, but he's covered in blood and not real worried about you and me, so either he got enough power to not care or he one of us. Your call." The tone of Vagrant's voice didn't betray any concern, rather he sounded more impatient than anything. As if he had better things to do and didn't really want to deal with what was happening at that moment. Ben looked at the bloody Louisville Slugger Ashley was now sporting and muttered out of the corner of his mouth, "Why don't you hit him with that and see what happens?" Just as the robo-guard started to remove itself from the wall. [@Marik][@Doc Doctor]