Thank you [@The Scotsman]! (and as previously mentioned, thank you [@Kalas] for the post compliment as well.) I couldn't help but feel like my post was a little lack luster. She's human. A simple, boring human. Granted, she has big plans and wants to be involved in every way imaginable but, she doesn't have a purpose yet to the overall story. It was hard to feel like it wasn't just a big post of hot air. That being said, I'm glad you guys liked it. c: As far as DM'ing; I would not be an acceptable candidate. Most of my RP time happens to coincide with working, since it's the longest stretch of time I'm in front of a computer. I'll be more than happy to ship Lola off to some wayward planet for interactions and do my best to keep it alive while you deal with your real life things. Man, it's tough being responsible sometimes.