1. Didn't we already do something like this with Myron? Scaling, I think, isn't the answer. Unless you're talking mechanical changes to the rules that would give Corban workarounds, in which case I am more than willing to strike a compromise. 2. I'm actually not familiar with the other two judges. I'd imagine they are Rilla and Skallagrim, both of whom are rarely around if I've read correctly. 3. We have both been nothing but aggressive and immature with one another since shortly after this kicked off. I'm still willing to end in a draw. As unsatisfied as I am with this, I don't really have any I'll will toward you as a person. Just an rp'er. But I'm sure we're well beyond just sweeping it under the rug and calling it a day, which is also fine. 4. The thing is, I offered it because I don't care if you take it or leave it. If you want to work something out that we've discussed earlier in the list then that's fine. But if not, then it's all good, too. No skin off my nose.