[@The One] Cs Name: Jessica Gender: F Age: 18 Species: Demi - Human Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/07/a9/e0/07a9e00865552d6a636c23e1e185fafa.jpg[/img] BLACK Ghost [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDt9vneUkAAi-UP.jpg[/img] -only the shadowy winged figure. Can only be seen when a strong emotion is directed at someone. Personality: She uswd to be kind and extremly helpfuland considerate of others but after being in the facility for so many years she has become cruel and sadistic and cold hearted, only listeng to reason and logic. Bio: she has no idea how or when she got here all she remembers is her name and age and the scientist facilitys. She is tourtured a lot the scientist trying to see what would kill her permently. Bcause of her inability to die many scintist kill her in frustration and anger and they are also encouraged to do it. She is also often pitted aginst the specimens that scientists want to eliminate or just to test their abilities against her with littke cazultys. Power 1: Cannot die (every time she is killed she comes back to life in 15 seconds, also every time she dies a black ghostly figure appears.) Friends: N/A How long have you been here for: she doesnt know as she can no linger keep track of time. unknown. Who are your neighbours: dunno Other: The scientists are trying to find out how to kill her. They dont see her as dangerous as she has never been extreamly violent and is usually quite co-oprative.