Turuk was rather satisfied with his gun, perhaps almost too much so as he just barely caught sight of the burna boy before he let loose a torrent of flame into the trench. With a grace not entirely known of for Ogryns, Turuk neatly scooped up his comrade and deftly avoided the flames which licked at the interior of the trench. "Kill flame man!" He shouted to the rest of the squad, before checking that his comrade was alive and not yet barbecued by the greenskins. His checks were cut short drastically, as a pair of whooping and howling orks jumped into the section of trench just next to him, and just next to his comrade. Drawing his great weapon, a crude yet colossal club the Ogryn let loose a primal roar of enraged anger that was had until now been kept in check. Hefting his weapon, Turuk, With brutal swings and bone-cracking hits, tore the two orks into what could only be described as a particularly chunky, red jam littered with bone fragments. The first green skin was far less lucky than his comrade as a brutal swing crashed into his ribs, shattering them with ease and leaving a massive bruise across the ribs, while another blow simply removed the Orks's head outright. Splattering bone and blood across the trenches while the Ork's brain matter dribbled down his cheek like spilt jelly. The second was brought low as its right kneecap was obliterated before a reverse swing cracked it in the spine, pulling apart vertebrae with a sickeningly loud crack.