[quote=@Leon5431] [@Fallenreaper] I am enjoying myself well enough, getting through the day and looking forward to the weekend. Also, I am curious, with Deven's current magical capabilities would he be able to heat up his blade to harmful temperatures or no? You known so I can literally slash and burn this thing [/quote] There's a few things to note here when trying that. 1. The longer a piece of metal is, the longer it takes to heat it up. A dagger compared to a sword, is much quicker heat though lot less dangerous (taking about 1 post as a sword would take about 4 or longer to 'heat'fully). When he's higher level, he can do this much faster and easier since its pouring more heat through the blade at once. 2. He's likely wearing either leather gloves (which I doubt they are a made from a beast who's flame resistance or from the Scorched Lands) or engulfed in gauntlets which would make direct touch hard. Without direct skin to surface contact, that would be difficult and further delay the process as well and result in him getting burned as well from the heated metal (not the fire mind you). 3. His current level, he could do that but keeping it up is harder. He's got the power but lacks the stamina which is why mages train for about 2 years for each level. One year is to build up the power, like working out a muscle, and the next is for endurance training. He would only be able to keep it up for a few seconds which is about 1 post.