[@Hjalti][@Marik] [i]Just as the guard bot freed itself from the wall, a cracked hole erupted from its narrow visor as the corridor reverberated with the sharp bang of a gun. White smoke billowed out of the visor as the machine slumped to the floor, the processor ruined. Donny's standard issue pistol slipped back into its holster. When had he pulled it out? His center of weight and posture hadn't moved with his viper-fast hand, making his movement like that of a phantom. It didn't seem like he had even looked where he was aiming. His complacent, knowing expression hadn't changed in the slightest.[/i] [color=a36209]"Nahmal, supuh, gud, bad-uh. Ahm whatevuh yuh want muh t'be. Foh thuh right praaahs..."[/color] Translation: "Normal, super, good, bad. I'm whatever you want me to be. For the right price..."