[hider=Still WIP] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://pre09.deviantart.net/5667/th/pre/i/2016/050/d/6/tom_hardy_by_aarongriffinart-d9sb1pn.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Cregan of Yspaden [b]Age:[/b] 98 (35 equivalent) [b]Race:[/b] Witcher (mutated human) [b]Nationality:[/b] Adopted Skellige, originally from Kaedwen [b]Personality & Biography:[/b] As presumably the last of the Bear School witchers, Cregan is a loner by nature. One of the few boys from the mainland trained at the witcher school in Skellige, his sense of being on his own developed already in his early boyhood. This outlook was affirmed upon losing his one and only friend during the vigorous training regime that turned boys into professional monster-slayers. Only three in ten survive the Trial of Grasses, and Cregan’s friend was not one of those. The lesson to not become too attached to someone driven home most cruelly, caused the witcher to shore up walls around him. On the trail Cregan elected to return to the mainland, travelling the throughout the Northern Kingdoms, and occasionally Nilfgaard. He has seen the interior of a troll cave or nekker den as often as a king’s palace or a queen’s garden. Like other witchers, he earned his keep by pursuing and slaying monsters of all kinds, lifting curses and solving magic-related mysteries. Though not actively seeking violence, Cregan has no issue with killing humans or other sentient races if they mean him harm. Scales or fur are not solely indicative of a monstrous nature after all. Venturing to and fro in his capacity as monster hunter, Cregan met Liselotte Eksterveer, a southern sorceress. The two engaged in a turbulent relationship. Something burning that bright, burns the hand and cannot last. So too in this case, Cregan’s straying off the monogamous path after a particularly venomous row caused Liselotte to turn her ire to his roots: Skellige’s witcher school. The sorceress used what knowledge she had of the stronghold to lead the local populace in a pogrom against it, wielding her magic thus that it brought low its defences. When the smoke cleared, little but ruins were left of the Bear School. Small comfort it was that sifting through the ashes, Liselotte was unable to salvage the alchemic formulas and witcher secrets she was so keen on. As the years went by and contempt for anything ‘non-human’ waxed, Cregan’s profession was increasingly seen as a dirty trade. Being treated as an outcast and a freak by the majority of his clients has nursed a grudge, and the more Creg sees of the world, the more cynical he becomes. His experience of nigh on a century make him a world-weary man, who when prompted expresses his disdain and scorn regarding those he considers ignorant, foolish and cruel. Cregan is tired of being a walking solution in search of his next problem, tired of being a pariah, of being underpaid. Dijkstra’s offer was generous, and with the coin the spy-turned-crimelord promised him, Cregan is hoping to retire from the itinerant witcher lifestyle and start his own brewery. [b]Flaws/Weakness:[/b] Fond of the drink (bitter as a Kaedweni Stout), hates sorcerers and sorceresses and their meddling, only mastered the Quen-sign and some basic use of Ignii and Axii. Other signs are practically never used due to the difficulty he has with casting them. [b]Strengths & Powers:[/b] Strong constitution, durable, good tracker, level-headed in a fight, relatively agile but relies more on his defensive skills and heavy armour than dodging, excellent swordsman (basically close combat heavy hitter). [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://cdn3.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/613/975/large/marek-madej-bear-armour-levels-01-by-marek-madej.jpg?1449524161]Sense of his outfit/armour (on the right)[/url] [b]Themesong:[/b] [/hider]