[i][b]Please standby for an emergency broadcast. . .[/b][/i] [center][b][h2][color=mediumturquoise]Win The Future, For A Better Tomorrow[/color][/h2][/b][/center] Denizens of Guild City from all reaches, Whether you are from Advanced, Casual, Free, Nation, Arena, Spam. . it matters not. All that matters now is that the KBots have worsened their assault on our once peaceful city and in our darkest hours, we need to come together as one. As we speak, the Off-Topic Discussion is on its last legs while Roleplaying Discussion has already been lost to this menace. We need one, we need all. It's vicious out there and we need as many brave men and women as possible. Bring your magic, bring your guns, bring your explosives, bring your pet dragon, bring your lycanthropy. Bring whatever you have to your disposal and fight with us. Do not lay down your weapons and surrender. We need to stomp out this threat and unite once and for all! Guild City needs you and so do we. [center][i][b] This has been a broadcast commissioned by the Guild Future Society. [/b][/i][/center] [hr] Guildfall is still accepting last minute interests before we begin the Roleplay!! To learn more about Guildfall, please visit our official [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/99027-guildfall-the-final-frontier/ooc]OOC[/url]! All writing styles are welcomed! Members from any section are welcomed to join!