[@Mr Allen J] Here. [hr] [hider=Archie Davis] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Archie Davis[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]The Architect[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]29[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'11[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]184.5 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]He's from out of town.[/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]N/A[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]N/A[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]N/A[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Archie cannot be completely described as anything truly resembling a normal human being - such is the case for a lot of meta-humans, but Archie falls into the odd subset. From the neck down, he's the average male adult, albeit his skin is a pale yellow that most would see as a symptom of an illness of some sort. It is, in fact, his natural complexion. He's rather lean and possesses nothing in the way of fat, and no blemishes are apparent anywhere. Now, his head is another story. The neck fades upwards into a mass of what most would identify as the contents of a lava lamp - bright yellow bubbles with a slight glow to them floating about, disconnecting and rejoining haphazardly. It's a pretty sight, but he keeps it tucked under his bag most of the time.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]First and foremost is Archie's bag, which he wears over his head, fastened with elastic. It's a simple yellow felt with an orange X painted on it, emblazoned where the face would normally be. As far as normal clothes go, he's prone to thin wear to go with his narrow stature. Skinny jeans, light boots, a long-sleeved shirt, and a biker's leather jacket because he has an unhealthy fascination with the getup. Lastly, he wears gloves at all times, though he has no good reason to. Seems he just doesn't like to show any skin.[/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Archie's a kind soul, in the broadest sense. Everything he's done has been for the benefit of others more than it's been for himself. He enjoys seeing other people having fun and, he'll do what he can to keep them happy. On the inside, he's always thinking about what he can do for fun - rarely worries about problems until they come around, which is a bit of a problem. Likes to think up funny things to say, jokes, all that sort of stuff. Talking to others, he's long since put the matter of his appearance behind him. He has no problem approaching people, but he won't do it without a good reason to. Some of his speech mannerisms can come off as a bit nonsensical, and on more than one occasion has he accidentally offended someone, but he's good at making peace in the end. All in all, he's just a man who's out for a good time.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Archie doesn't do much in the way of actual hobbies. Sports aren't for him, and he isn't versed enough in most "normal" activities to be a regular with them, but he's certainly open to trying new stuff at others' recommendations. Mainly, he's just focused on managing the Microcosm. Actually, that in itself has given him an appreciation for architecture, so... he likes to look at buildings, sometimes.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Years of building up his own little world has left Archie with what some would describe as "a superb sense of Feng Shui". Though, this isn't just with how to build up blocks and lay down furniture - he has a good sense of tactical placement and maneuvering after spending some time running from folks with a distaste for meta-humans.[/INDENT] [b]Goals/Motivation[/b] [INDENT]Mainly, to help folks. Both those he has already helped to regain their livelihood outside, or vice versa.[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Archie was born on the eight of February, 1993, under relatively normal conditions, to a one-human-one-meta couple living in Cincinnati, Ohio at the time. It seemed from birth that he was a normal human child, if a little odd in the [i]skin[/i] department. What started as a lightly pale complexion turned to a sickly yellow over the course of about a month. He was kept under medical observation for quite some time, and his parents feared the worst. All hell broke loose when one day, about a month and a half after he was born, his head began to seemingly [i]melt[/i]. This put everyone in charge of his care on high alert, and he was placed into an enclosed capsule for stabilization and scanning. While it seemed his body was still functioning normally, his head had shifted into a mass of floating, viscous yellow particles - something like a lava lamp in terms of appearance. His mental activity became unreadable, but nothing seemed particularly wrong internally. Although it was anyone's guess how he was functioning supposedly [i]without[/i] a brain. Over the next few days, the full extent of his powers began to manifest. The capsule he was being kept in underwent a [i]radical[/i] change in makeup on the interior level. From the outside, nothing seemed different. But inside, what was once just big enough to fit two infants became the size of a minivan, along with irregular grooves and block-like indentations and protrusions surrounding Archie. All of the medical fixtures inside were still functioning, but very much rearranged haphazardly - and even [i]duplicated[/i]. Archie's powers were then classified as something along the lines of "localized geometry manipulation". He was still an infant, so more time was needed to see how this ability would develop. After four months in the hospital, Archie was finally returned to his family. Caring for him was, on some levels easier, and others more difficult. Somehow he didn't require any nourishment, and he was free of a multitude of biological functions such as breathing, urinating, defecating, and so on. He was incapable of speech and smell, owing to his cranial makeup, though he did possess some level of extrasensory awareness without the need for eyes or ears. Due to his abilities, a specialized bag was tied over his head at all times - not something you'd normally do for a child. Regardless, he managed to adopt a suitable lifestyle. School was some issue - he was among few meta-humans, and even then, his appearance kept him from making too many friends among the "normal" crowd. This, however, he did not mind. Back then, Archie was far too engrossed in his powers to care for the external world. He developed a love of watching what developed in the multitude of bags and containers he wore over his head. Simple spaces would become vast fields over time, and as he learned to apply his own level of control in these formations, he became all the more enamored by the activity. Around the high school years, there came concern from Archie's parents that he was becoming much too reclusive. It was an understandable situation, but they still wanted him to at least [i]try[/i] making new friends. And Archie [i]did[/i] try, and actually ended up succeeding. Not in the best way at first, but still. He outfitted a common trash bag into a sort of hangout for his fellow students. Though apprehensive, the first guests used the interior as a place to smoke in peace. As it grew, it became a clubhouse for most of the upperclassmen - somewhere to freely decorate, party, store drugs, the works. Archie became a much more positive figure after a while of keeping folks entertained. Then the sentient creatures made out of assorted furniture and recreational drugs began showing up within the "clubhouse bag", as it came to be known. This was the first ever case of Archie's powers creating [i]life[/i], and it rubbed folks the wrong way so, the whole thing was shut down. Archie burned the bag in a barrel fire one night out, effectively destroying everything inside - living or otherwise. He regrets this still today, but for what it's worth, he's put it behind him, convincing himself he wasn't fully aware of what he'd created at the time. He was a senior by that time so, he didn't bother trying again. There just wasn't enough time to make anything worthwhile. Still, though, people enjoyed it. They [i]told[/i] him they enjoyed it, and many wished Archie would start again. Indeed, after all that time spent building up that place, culminating in the lifeforms that came to inhabit it (and were subsequently eradicated), Archie eventually decided he was going to make something even better. His own little universe to shape and mold. And maybe even another clubhouse for people to enjoy - if they didn't mind the nonhuman beings residing within it. Archie went to work shortly after graduating, foregoing a college experience and jumping straight to what he deemed a perfect hobby - building a whole new world for people to explore and enjoy. It began with finding a sturdy, industrial-sized bag to use as a foundation. He spent [i]years[/i] building up the interior, bringing in random materials he found wherever he went. The expansion and duplication processes took hold, and he held his head over every last detail. He formed a field of fertile soil, and let a crimson forest grow there. He built steel walkways suspended above a massive pool of ferrofluid with magnetic towers scattered about. He carved an entire city out of obsidian - and he had jade golems help him paint and shape it. Little suns were made from the heads of giant, glowing statues. His new little world became populated with the strangest beings, born out of pure, spontaneous chance from the available materials. Metal, wood, marble, gelatin, all these resources and more came to form animate creatures. And when they weren't helping Archie decorate his little tourist attractions, they were forming their own pockets of civilization. He named it the Microcosm. This undertaking ended about a year ago, when Archie felt the interior had reached a suitable size and depth. He put another bag on his head that day - a yellow one, with an orange X painted on it - and hasn't taken it off since. He opened up his creation to the public of Black Fall, which he'd made his way to during the later years - and boy, did it become popular, especially among the meta-crowd. A bustling nightclub was quickly formed within one of the obsidian enclaves, easily accessible from the entrance to the strange world. People carried out expeditions into the bizarre wilderness that had spawned around the city, finding new and exotic locales to populate. Some destitute folks actually ended up [i]moving[/i] there altogether for odd and varying reasons, all at Archie's mercy - which he was resplendent in, apparently. Now, Archie's world is home to an abundance of humans, metas, and things otherwise. Some time passed, and Archie's life went on. He began opening up his magnum opus to the mass public, turning quite the profit after a veritable economy started forming within. People came, people went. The Microcosm settled into a state of peace, and the residents are happy for it. Then the time came when the Verthaven disaster hit, and it had a resounding effect on Archie and the Microcosm. Animosity towards meta-humans began to escalate after a near global disaster, and as a result, many of them were looking for sanctuary. And by God, did Archie have the perfect place for them to stay. He began traveling westward, offering safety and support to anyone looking for it - a popular move among runaway metas and ex-NESTies attempting to escape the turmoil. Archie had to hide himself every now and then, as well. The Microcosm's population [i]boomed[/i] over the years the conflict was active, and Archie became a very well-liked figure among those he's rescued. As time went on, however, the hatred began to wane, and so did the need for metas to hide. Thus, an exodus took place from within the Microcosm - though many stayed, having taken a liking to the place. And many more returned during the incident in Prague. All this, however, has brought about the creeping signs of overpopulation within the Microcosm - so much so that Archie has elected to find somewhere in the real world that he may let a majority of the poor souls return to their rightful world, and by chance, not live in fear of the outside. And thus, he's come to Baybridge.[/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Caleb Davis - father, 52 Lori Davis - mother, 48[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] None for now. [h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Other[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Archie's is one of the stranger powers to come about, and his in particular is definitely a rare case. Archie's odd formation of a head has been described scientifically as "a focal point in which enclosed spaces become erratically malleable". In other words, secured interiors around Archie's cranium undergo gradual changes into non-Euclidean environments. Example - you put a gym bag on him and leave it there for three days, then take it off and the interior has increased to the size of a large truck. At first, size is the only thing that changes. However, the more time spent exposed to Archie's head, the more an interior will adopt widespread examples of impossible space. Pockets will form that spiral into each other, layers will repeat over and over again, etc. It becomes easy to get lost in, and even more so once the process reaches its later stages. A multitude of raw and manufactured materials can have an adverse effect on the interior if left inside. If a lump of clay were present, given time it would expand and form towers, fields, and so on. The more materials, the more structures. In some ways chaotic, and others, very organized. Patterns will tend to repeat unless shaped otherwise by Archie's direct mental influence. Even then, his consciousness is scattered during the whole of the process, and it becomes difficult for him to focus after too long. So he lets most things run their course naturally, without interference. After extended periods of time have passed along the process, factors depending, the interiors Archie affects will begin to spawn life. These organisms are comprised entirely of whatever materials Archie has introduced to the environment, and are all haphazardly formed - a sentient wheel made of human legs carved out of opal, for example. These developments are random, chaotic, and unseen. But so far, nothing that has been born of Archie's influence has exhibited a hostile nature. Defensive, yes, but not outright hostile. In fact, most have adopted their own level of civilization, though relatively minuscule compared to that of humans. Beings of the same material and makeup will tend to gravitate toward each other, though exceptions exist.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]It has not been observed how far Archie's abilities can reach within one given interior. The Microcosm represents his longest venture, and even then it appears it could be added on to. Though Archie has elected to abstain from this, as the place seems big enough already. Also, Archie cannot spawn any lifeforms or noteworthy architectural designs if he does not introduce foreign materials to work with. He's tried, yes, but in all instances, he's only ended up with a blank slate. Lastly, his influence is not capable of creating complex machinery or weapons, along the lines of things that require more than one raw material to function. So he can't make cannons out of glass.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]As far as weaknesses go, Archie's are just the same as any normal human's. He'd die from a gunshot or fire or getting steamrolled just like anyone else. Sure, that doesn't fit the criteria of most meta-humans' exploitable weakeness, apparent or otherwise, but Archie simply doesn't possess that form of polarity. Just as well, the bag that holds the Microcosm can be ripped or burnt - so he always keeps watch for any chance of those, or similar, happening.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT][list][*]Archie doesn't have a mouth to speak with, so he uses a text-to-speech program on his phone in most cases. He likes to switch up what voices he uses to have a laugh every now and then.[/list][/INDENT][/hider]