Malkus crept closer and closer, quieter than a mice. Yet he never really got close to the camp; he kept moving through the bushes, trying to find the one bush or tree that was close enough for him to just dash out of, grab a bit to eat, and then split. This shouldn't be that hard; Malkus had done this plenty of times before, with even less cover. Hell, he has swiped a man's dinner right from underneath his nose once, in broad daylight, and escaped because of his speed and certainty. So what was it that was making a job like this so hard? That was a foolish question of course. Because he didn't want to steal their food. Of all the things in this camp he wanted, he just wanted to be with Sona. A vision of fantasy flashed in his mind. It was a simple one: Malkus and Sona, playing their songs in the woods, on the open road, at the setting sun. They would break bread together, share a drink, and occasionally even got into trouble. It was a simple and innocent fantasy- [b]"Wait, what the fuck? I already did this."[/b] "Malkus" suddenly turned into an amorphous black blob. This blob, Lucius, stepped out of the forest, headed to a nearby door, and left the green house. Just another one of his character's life happening before his eyes. It was a strange feeling to say the least: Like a Dream, but more lucid. Imagination that wasn't just in Lucius's head. Either way really, the blob had to go. Not because he didn't want to stay, but because he had to wait for the other "Characters" to go. After all there was only so much he can do by himself. Lucius was in the casual section of Guild City. It was hit by KBots not too long ago, but recently it seemed like they've been cleaned out. At least for now. Lucius was only somewhat aware of their existence; his typical commune between his various characters rarely had him walk the streets of Casual like the rest of the [s]plebes[/s] players. So the threat of the bots were largely something he ignored, not that he would have cared if they did ever come to bother them. Word on the street was that there was some sort of cracked bot killer squad of some sort, taking up tax money to counter the bot invasion. Seemed like a waste of time to him: As far as Lucius saw, there wasn't much of a threat anymore. Though he supposed that like any special forces, they have to be kept and maintain in the event of a new invasion. After all, the training and funding wouldn't do them any good to a threat that's already struck. But now that Lucius was firmly Out-of-Character (Henceforth known as OoC), he quickly became bored. Unfortunately last he checked all his characters were waiting for a reaction from other characters, thus Lucius had to sit patiently or find something to occupy his time. And with all this talk of bots, might as well do the community a service. So the black blob look for an empty road to stand in, making sure there wasn't any traffic. Once he was certain he was alone Lucius's body shifted and change, first producing a set of legs, then the rest of the body all the way up to her [url=]masked, red haired head[/url]. Lucius transformed himself into Cinder "Flex" Firestorm, a very old character of his from a time long forgotten. From his legs he even created Cinder's signature motorcycle, in all it's spiky, Mad Max-esque glory. While Lucius lacked the Killer Weapon Cinder originally had, he was still a tough woman with a bitching motorcycle. Sometimes that's all you need. Now ready Lucius rode off into city looking for bots or trouble. Either would be fine with him. Because Bots weren't the only thing causing a ruckus here in the Guild City.