[center][b]April 16th, 2016 Saturday 9am [/b][/center] The fallen leaves crunched lightly underfoot as she made her way back up the shrine steps, a sense of surrealism surrounding her. The area looked just like it always did, there was no sign of the wild dash they had made only yesterday. A half-hearten greeting left her lips as she passed the shrine, the old priest was out sweeping again and she didn't have the heart to tell him that it never did any good. Her dark colored eyes searched the area looking for something that proved that yesterday had happen besides the watch attached the her wrist. [i]'This isn't a dream....maybe I'm hallucinating? Or it could be an elaborate hoax...'[/i] She frowned at how unsure her thoughts sounded, she knew if she opted to voice them out loud they would sound just as ridiculous as she felt for even allowing herself to think them. She chided herself for not wanting to believe in something so strange when she was always reading books and trying to convince the others it was real. But having a hobby wasn't the same, her conviction was lacking now that she had to face reality. Sighing her eyes focused on the red leather bound book, at first it looked on worse for ware, yet as she got closer she noticed the dirt grounded into it like it had been stepped on by something large. Whatever it had been it was definitely a lot larger than any of her friends. [i]'The Oni.'[/i] She didn't have a viable reason for anything else leaving that mark, a shaky hand circled around the book before drawing it close to her person. Looking up she realized that she had reached the path at the back of the shrine, the same path they had walked up eagerly yesterday for their picnic. She stood there torn; her curiosity in fight with her survival instinct screaming that it was a very bad idea to continue up that path. Her feet shuffled as she took another tentative steps forward, nothing but normal sounds of the forest surrounding her bolstering her courage to keep marching up the steps. The farther she got a long the more she felt like something was watching her, the hair on the back of neck seemed to stand up straight as goosebumps raced down her arm. A loud snap from the left caused her to jump in surprise, her footing slipped sending her tumbling back down the steps a hiss of pain escaping her lips. The tattered book was still clutched in her hand as she groaned sitting up holding her head. [b]"I got it, going up there is a no go..."[/b] She grumbled out loud to whoever cared to listen, if she couldn't go up then she should at least head towards the Community Center to meet up with the others as promised. [center][b]April 16th, 2016 Saturday 10:15am [/b][/center] The tattered book laid sprawled out over pale colored legs, stains of grass and twigs clung to the chocolate shaded skirt continuing up towards Sayuki's white blouse; her hair and glasses were tilted forward as she continued to read sitting aimlessly on a small bench. Her appearance had a calm disheveled look as if she had spent the better part of the morning out hiking or exploring a forest patch. A small scratch flushed red, angry and determined to make it's presence known sending a twinge of pain out every time the young musician moved her head. Bright gold letters shimmered on the pages, happy drawings danced on the opposite page, how funny to think that yesterday such a fairy tale was nothing more than a myth, but perhaps there was more truth to it then she had believed. The childish watch was still tightly fastened to her wrist all to happy to remind her that yesterday wasn't a strange dream from reading too many of her father's books. The towering bulletin board gleamed brightly in response, it was unblemished and beckoned travelers towards it with temptations of rewards and adventure; post of request and needs for any of the townsfolk brave enough to try and ascertain. The girl had looked over them briefly earlier, her breath coming out in short burst and gasps, she was surprised to see she was the first of the group to reach the Community Center normally Natazume was the most punctual one after all. Leaning back against the wall she sighed softly, her hand slipping into her pocket toying with Whisper's coin wondering if she should summon him to relieve the build up of questions circling her mind; her limbs still felt heavy sore and in protest to the unwanted run they had to suffer yesterday, her brain felt sluggish as she yawned softly her eyes slowly drifting close as the book stayed safely nestled on her lap merely waiting to be picked back up. A peaceful breeze blew through the Center as Saki gave into the impulse to nap while waiting on the others.