Jams spent most of the rest of the evening in the ships engine room and hanging over the edge of the ship examining barnacles. She hated barnacles, they were nasty and impossible to get rid of (Jam jar fact: Just put salt or vinegar on them, they'll fall off). Luckily the ship had very few, like three. The marines didn't screw around, they knew barnacles sucked. Finally the little bunny girl curled up in the kitchen after a midnight snack and fell asleep. Morning held all the hustle and bustle that any normal person hates. It was foggy for one, anyone knows that mink, especially those of the rabbit variety, are off put when they can't see very far. The rough waters and creaking of wood all around didn't boad much better for Jams than the fog. To top it all off some random duffus decided screaming was a fun idea, the invisible dimwit continued on to describe some danger or something. She was eating at that point so whatever he said was lost to her. Breaking free of the fog was nice but the clown was not expected. Jams wasn't one to be frightened off by some nut, really she wished she could give him a piece of her mind about screaming like he did but the villain was no where in sight. Jams had a bad incling about the island itself. She never liked circuses as a kid; clowns had freaked her out and she didn't like sweets all that much either. The idea of a circus to freak someone out wasn't chill with her either. Those idiots couldn't even spell "circus to freak". Needless to say, she couldn't wait for one of them to start a fight, this time she'd jump in. [@Infichi] Just as she finished the carrot she'd started during the circus speech the hunky fish man announced breakfast. He was like a gift sent down from the heavens, a true present to the filthy earth; the way he just, cooked all the food. She was over there in a few simple leaps, sitting this time, and piling every kind of non-meat item onto her plate. [color=00a99d]"Wowie! darlin' you sure pulled a miracle! This food is perfect!!!"[/color] the mink exclaimed, more or less in Chirashi's direction. At the very least it was clear that she was talking to the chef, not the little bird boy. As soon as the words were out she started devouring what she'd piled on her plate.