[@CourierSix] 1. Typos happen. 2. Oh okay, I see where you were going. I thought you had a standardized militia of some kind. Randomness seems more appropriate. 3. Awesome. I like having someone who's firmly established as a bad guy, especially a clever, devious one. [@iHxzardx] I contacted [@CourierSix] privately and mentioned that if I was being rude, I apologize and won't do it again. As for correcting everyone's posts, I've mostly being requesting changes in the display of the writing, not the actual writing, and at times have questioned facts and story elements, not entire posts (aside from Courier, whom in hindsight I really should have said to him in private). There really isn't anything wrong about a critique, as long as it doesn't directly insult the creator. It means someone is reading your writing and has enough interest in it to suggest (suggest, not demand or harass about) changes, in the interest of making it better. I'm not saying you're a bad writer or you're doing it wrong. I'm saying you could do it differently or better. If you don't like the changes, just reject them. Even if you were to shoot down an entire post of mine, at least I know you read it and have suggestions on how I could improve it. Of course, if I actually did it to everyone on all of their posts, okay, I can understand that becoming obnoxious, but I haven't. Not even close. I went back through the OOC and checked. In the future, though, I'll restrict comments about a single person to PMs.