[i]Knight[/i] "No, you are a coward who forces me to attack weaklings!" The Knight snarled, turning around. Immediately he was hit from all sides by water balls, the unexpected attack forcing him to one knee with a grunt, which quickly turned into a roar of anger. "Enough!" He scraped his shield against a part of his keg armor, causing a brief, weak, magical pulse to go off. He looked up, another curse of anger upon his lips, when he saw the flying dragon and his cowardly opponent both coming at him at highly dangerous speeds. His curse of anger turned into a shout of alarm, his shield snapping up in time to take the sword hilt. He was sent flying backwards, crashing through tree. "Gods Damn you!" He snarled, clambering to his feet. Other than favoring his shield arm, he seemed unharmed. "I only ask to slay the foul creations of Aarem, and you refuse me! You are heretics in the eyes of the Gods! Blasphemers!" He continued to rant as he clambered to his feet, sharpened shield at the ready. [b]Aramir[/b] The Snow Elf picked herself and her bow and quiver up, heading up the stairs, exhausted from her repulsion of the Ridgehounds. [i]So tired. So damned tired. Stupid Tyrael. Stupid Naga. Stupid Ridgehounds. Stupid lack of communication and teamwork. [/i] She thought wearily, longing for her bed. Of course, that's when Annabeth's warning reached her. Aramir didn't think, she didn't pause. In a moment she was running as fast up the stairs as she could, stumbling as she ran into Sam. "Elixir! I need an elixir!" She demanded, eyes wide with panic. One or more of her tribe was in danger and she needed to go help them [i]right now[/i]. The old man quickly handed her what she wanted and she took off, hastily gulping it down as she ran and tossing the bottle to the side. Energy rushed through her and she ran as fast as her small form was able. [i] I'm going to collapse after this Elixir wears off.[/i] She thought, somewhat distractedly. She was already through the trees, heading towards the sounds of combat. [i]It won't matter. When I find whomever is attacking my tribe, I'll kill them.[/i]