So you went there, [@LegendBegins]... Equalizing RPs with a potentially sexual content with child porn. How impressive. Do you feel proud of yourself? There is nothing wrong with people RPing about sexytime or whatever they do there. So long as they do it in pm, it won't annoy Google adsense. Interest checks concerning international crimes like child pornography, however, cannot be permitted due to said internationally recognized laws. And to be technical on age limits, 18+ is a fairly artificial number. We suspect more often than not that people writing such prefer to write with people of a similar age. At least that is what we would have preferred if we were to ever RP such. See this for more details on the legal [url=]age of consent[/url]. The guild has no way to check members' ages, thus a rule about having to be a certain age to write such is kinda silly, especially if it's done in private. Such RPs exist, and if going by the amount of gender pairings in the 1x1 IntCk section, it happens to a large scale. If this idea here helps those not interested in such, then there is only benefit in supporting it.