Felix smiled. He was glad that honesty paid off, as everyone opted to stay, some even more vehement about their mission than before. Though, there was Jessie who seemed a bit offset from the news. Felix closed his eyes in silence for a few seconds [i]I'll see to it personally that this team is well equipped to handle any task.[/i] Felix opened his eyes and began to speak again. "I see before me a team. A team that can and will triumph against any evil that dare stand in the way of our mission. Our mission to ensure that the Paragons never fall into the hands of evil. To ensure that it could never even be entertained as an option in the future. From this day forth, we shall be known as Paragon's End." Felix smiled with a grandiose jubilant smile. It was as if Felix was overjoyed that he had at least done his part in bringing together the names on the list, the guardians. "That leads us to our next item on the agenda. Now that we are a team, it is highly important that we stay in constant communication, both on and off the field." Felix pointed to his black and silver wristwatch-like with the spherical manacrystal in the center, known as the manadial, "I know that Nemo has a manadial. But it appears that none of you have one." Felix rolled his hand in the air, and a wooden box conjured instantly from a pocket dimension and fell into Felix's hand. He opened the box, and their laying on a purple pillow were five manadials, all identical to the one Felix wore, which was a black metal-link band, with a silver stripe inlayed around the circumference and a circular almost sphere-like mana-crystal in the center. "Please, everyone take one. If you aren't familiar with a manadial, they are much similar to a smart-phone. You can browse the mananet, look at GPS, even call others. I have programmed all of these manadials so we can communicate on the field. When a call is coming in, the orb will flash. Just pick up the orb and put it to your ear, it will stick there until you take it off. Since the sounds are transmitted through manawaves, the sound quality is much better than what you would get from any cell-phone." Felix levitated the manadials to each person at the table who did not already have one. "Which reminds me, Nemo I will need to program yours as well so that it is in the same network group that way I can call everyone at once." "I expect everyone to be in constant contact out on the field. As the coordinator, I will be responsible for directing you all, but I can't direct you if you aren't listening." Felix explained. "I have also enchanted all of the manadials with a spell that allows me to use my manalysis from any of your manadials. Which means, I can provide very detailed information about your surroundings, and direct you accordingly." Felix took another sip of his coffee. "Are we all clear so far? Any questions?" Felix asked. [hr] Raiya knocked over Nemo's tea juice. [color=ec008c]"Oops, looks like I got a little [i]excited[/i] from my [i]spiked drinks.[/i]"[/color] Raiya smirked. Then Felix gave another spiel, named the group something generic, and then levitated watches to everyone. [color=ec008c]"Tch!"[/color] Raiya scoffed, [color=ec008c] "I suppose you want me to wear a dog collar as well? Why don't I just put the leash on myself while I'm at it." [/color]Raiya muttered to herself, only those sitting close enough could hear her. Raiya knew that it was easy to keep tabs on someone if you knew the mana-signature of their manadial, which is why she refused to use them herself. Just a few modification enchantments could turn a manadial into an advanced wiretap, which to someone in Raiya's line of business, would be very bad. But, regardless of her complaints, she still kept it. Of course, she didn't put it on her wrist, wrist jewelry was never her thing. She just simply slipped it in her coat pocket.