After their last class, Blake and Al had an uneasy bike ride home. They were quite sure it would be more than a little uncomfortable to have to explain what really went down at lunch and why Blake wound up pulled into it. True enough, the atmosphere was a bit heavy when their parents got home. The first thing they did was sit the boys down to give them the whole truth of the matter- which they did do, but filled with reassurances that neither of them did anything to make it worse. The Reyes knew they didn’t raise liars, so they bought into it rather well, if a little angrily. What good was it in calling out the people who seriously couldn’t do a thing? What kind of teacher calls their students [i]sheep?![/i] And what kind of a detention occurs [i]that[/i] late at night on a [i]Thursday?[/i] The family pulled a collective shrug. Mr. Reyes called the teacher who assigned it an asshole. However, just because they didn’t agree with the punishment didn’t mean it gave Blake a free pass to skimp out on it. Unfortunate as it was, he still had to attend it. Despite his heavy groaning about it, his parents ordered he finish his homework early so he could just get this over with. [i]And so he did…[/i] At around 7 PM, Blake biked away from his home in the same old clothes, but with an old, yellow hoodie swapped out for his button-up shirt. Mostly by his dad’s nagging and his insistence of always arriving somewhere with half an hour to spare. Blake never made it a priority to actually follow that creed, but if his dad was around to enforce it he didn’t have much of a choice. His dad also usually insisted the boys not go out alone around night time, but just this once he decided to test the waters and let Blake go by himself instead of just driving him there or making his brother accompany him. When Blake arrived, however, he found himself half-wishing Al was here with him. He couldn’t help but feel somebody was watching him as he locked up his bike. It didn’t help matters at all when he saw something dart just out of sight when he turned to check on it. There was a growing sense of discomfort in the pit of Blake’s stomach after seeing that… Was somebody stalking the park? Or was somebody just being a sneaky little sunuvagun? He wasn’t sure he’d enjoy the outcome either way. To try and settle down, he just pat his face and started making his way to where he thought the meet-up location was. Surely it was just nothing… [i]Surely.[/i]