[center] [color=Green][h1][b][i]~Sebastian Beachley – Peter Pan's Shadow~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/6fb6a1f17971ce22eb1f4449687d80e2/tumblr_ne88wuOwAY1thv299o2_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sebastian Beachley [b]Other Names:[/b] Crush [b]Real Name:[/b] The Shadow [b]Age:[/b] Physically 19 - Technically Ageless [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Shadow Age 4):[/b] [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31300000/Jeremy-Sumpter-as-Peter-Pan-2003-natasajackson-E2-99-A5-31301220-428-562.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Physically 19):[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jottM.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Sebastian is an overly-outgoing boy who just can't seem to sit still most of the time. Though those who don't particularly know him would deem his boisterous personality as 'annoying' or 'disruptive,' his friends and even teachers find him to be a charming boy who's fun to be around and adds just the right amount of 'ridiculous' to the everyday cycle brought on by the school scene because unlike most 'class clowns' Sebastian knows that line of 'too much' and has learned over the years how not to cross it with a little help from his medication, however this system is not perfect and a handful of times has landed him in the principal's office for a quick scolding. His personality really comes into play whenever Sebastian performs on stage. Whether going crazy on the drums or attempting the newest, dare-devilish stunt, it does not matter, he always has something new to add to the table and though he is unable to learn at the same rate as his fellow students, his teachers recognize a certain light within him that unfortunately can not be transferred to paper to measure his intelligence. Therefore, Sebastian doesn't exactly have the best academic record, the earlier part of his life even requiring tutors to help him through classes but after a while Sebastian stopped trying to achieve the same level of 'greatness' as his brother and looked for other ways to let him shine. His strong popularity within the schools he has attended keeps him in a solid social group and as his talents as a athlete become more and more noticed, his friends are only too eager to brag about his talents. For the most part, Sebastian lets them brag for him as he prefers to stay on the sidelines when it comes to conversations about his success, however, there are a couple times when he himself will make a sort of small comment or jab that alludes to him knowing full well that he's 'just that good' though on most cases, this is done within the context of just screwing around and not particularly meaning anything behind it. Sebastian is almost constantly in some kind of relationship. Notably the last time he was single was when he was thirteen years old and still uninterested in girls. Though he doesn't go through girlfriends like fast-food by any means as he is considered to be a very attentive boyfriend that tries to put his all into a relationship, most times his extracurricular activities keep him from being able to commit as much as he wants, which oftentimes leads to relationship problems. His popularity coupled with his addictive fun personality, however, keep the ladies coming despite knowing that he is most times 'too busy' for a relationship, all hoping to be 'that one exception' though none ever are no matter how much his heart is into the relationship. Simply put, his own self comes first. Despite popular belief, Sebastian does manage to stay out of trouble for the most part. Extended outside of school, he keeps a pretty good rep with his adopted parents since (aside from his ADHD that gets him into trouble for lack of attention) they have never been given reason to distrust him. Even with the pressures of his peers, Sebastian steered clear of alcohol and drugs. There had been a few instances when he went to a party where he tried a beer a time or two, but that sort of life wasn't anything that ever interested Sebastian, as he could have fun and feel free without the aid of any substance. His relationship with his adopted parents was even close enough at that time for Sebastian to tell on himself, feeling a small sense of pride in knowing what he had learned from the experience. Most times, whenever a situation would arise that would cause most people to get angry, Sebastian would instead find a humorous side to the situation and dwell on that, able to almost literally 'brush' it off of his shoulders and not ever letting anything stick for him to dwell on, aside from the very important question that he sometimes keeps himself awake at night thinking [i]where did I come from?[/i] The question of his life before being adopted strikes a raw nerve in him which gets him slightly angry and defensive, so those he is around have learned to leave the topic of conversation alone. Being quite popular among his peers, he hardly has any time to himself but when he does get a chance at solitude, Sebastian grows quite introverted and spends time dwelling on his life before being found in the empty stands of the race track. Very few people have seen this withdrawn side to Sebastian, as he is very good at making face, and is never comfortable showing this side to himself to anyone. [b]Skills:[/b] Having been exposed to the world of motocross an early stage in his life, Sebastian has adopted a very athletic set of skills, pertaining to both physical and mental strength, balance, focus and stamina. And because of the social demand within his school and growing fame as a musician, Sebastian is extremely sociable when he wants to be, using his life experience to be the one guy that has all the funny jokes, witty comebacks and intriguing stories to share with those he is close to, making him quite likable and a very good storyteller. On top of his social expertise, Sebastian is also very proficient when it comes to the outdoors. Enjoying camping, fishing, hiking and boating, Sebastian has learned a large assortment of skills of everything one should know about survival if he ever got stranded like how to make or find a capable shelter, safe food and water to eat and drink, a compass out of practically nothing, a fire and so on; an exceptional hands-on kind of guy. Being a natural 'hands-on' learner, Sebastian learned that he also had a talent for keeping a beat when he stood in for his friends' drummer when their band first started up in their 9th year. As fate would have it, Sebastian had a better talent for the drums after picking it up his first time than the actual drummer, and has been drumming for them ever since. Minorly, another skill Sebastian seems to posses was discovered completely by accident when he was really hurting for some cash in high school to buy himself a ticket to one of the motocross competitions a few hours drive away. He took up babysitting the neighbors four kids and though the stories he heard about these kids to be nothing but little terrors, he actually found the job to be quite easy as the kids all seemed to take an immediate shine to him. A few times after that with different children, Sebastian came to the strange realization that he was just overall good with children of any and all ages. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] The birth of Neverland brought forth the birth of a single spirit - the soul that kept the island not only magical, but alive. The Spirit of Neverland, as it was called by the natives, had quite the mysterious nature about it as no one seemed to know what it truly was. Legend had it, The Spirit of Neverland was simply waiting for the perfect being to step foot on the island, where it would then attach itself to that being, creating the perfect, physical and true ruler of Neverland. Such a day came when Peter Pan was brought to the island by the fairy, Tinker Bell; and Peter Pan received his Shadow. Peter's Shadow gave Peter both the understanding and knowledge of the land, sharing with Peter Neverland's secrets, and though he was young, the Shadow saw such potential in the boy, it knew immediately it had made the right choice. The longer the two were forged, the more the two became one. Though Peter's Shadow certainly had it's own personality about it, always running off and making Peter chase him, they grew to be as brothers, causing all sorts of mayhem for others who shared the island with them. Then, one day, when the Shadow had run off to have Peter give chase, Peter was gone. Not just from their home, but from Neverland itself. Confused, the Shadow went out in search for Peter. Not knowing where his other half had gone, and confused as to why he had left, the Shadow was then very suddenly encased by a vortex of magic and sucked inside, only to be spit out upon the sands of Australia in a world called, Earth. Because Peter had been sent to Earth, and because the Shadow and Peter were one in the same, by some unforseen magic, a portal had opened and took the Shadow to the same realm Peter had gone. But because there was a severe lack of magic on Earth, the Shadow was given a physical form - just as any normal boy would be, and once more became his own person. Confused, scared, and outraged from being taken from his home and other half, the Shadow fell into exhaustion on the sands, vaguely aware of a pair of adult arms picking him up and raising him into a life that would change him forever. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Found washed ashore by a young surfing couple within the light tide of Bells Beach in Australia one day, Sebastian had no idea who he was or where he had come from, his mind a complete blank. He was quickly adopted by the surfer couple, and Sebastian began his new life as the Beachley's son. Sebastian started his new life quite introverted. His adoptive parents, the sweet and caring souls they were, tried everything to help Sebastian find his niche' as surfing just didn't interest him in the way it did the rest of his family. Through their efforts, Sebastian found that he did take an immediate liking to the outdoor world, though not necessarily the sea. Camping, fishing, hiking and boating became a few of his favorite activities and his adopted parents decided then that Scouts would be a good thing to put Sebastian in. He enjoyed it and seemed to fit in well, but it wasn't until Sebastian was ten years old he finally found what he was looking for when he stumbled into the world of motocross. Sebastian completely immersed himself into the racing life, taking on every meet he could get himself into both in school and within the community. He loved the way he felt when he was on the bike - like flying. Unfortunately, it was at this same time that Sebastian started to get himself into trouble in school and with his parents as he didn't seem to be able to sit down and listen and after a quick doctor visit, Sebastian was diagnosed with ADHD. As he grew older (having a better grasp on being able to focus when on his medication), the races he participated in increased in difficulty and variety but Sebastian embraced every challenge with open arms and took them down with seemingly little effort. His life was back on track. However, things came to a roaring halt once more as Sebastian began struggling in school again and for the longest time, Sebastian nor his parents could figure out why. He was taking his medication, hell they even increased the dosage a few times, but Sebastian just wasn't getting it. He went through a series of tutors to help him through school, managing to scrape by with passing grades but eventually Sebastian simply quit caring, realizing that no matter how hard he tried, he simply could not keep up academically. It was discovered then at sixteen years old that not only did Sebastian have ADHD, but dyslexia as well, rendering his learning capability next to none without any extra help, and Sebastian wanted no part of it and simply became an average 'C' student putting most of his focus into motocross and drumming for a band that was finally starting to get somewhere. Sebastian graduated from Scouts and high school around the same time and jumped right into college, studying to become a professional athlete, even getting as far as obtaining a sponsorship that earned him lots of recognition and even some great, new friends. Any extra time he got, Sebastian volunteered at the old middle school he went to, helping out his favorite teachers by becoming a volunteer aid, finding an overwhelming amount of joy in working with the younger children and becoming somewhat of a leader to them. And when he wasn't burdened down with homework on the weekends, Sebastian split up his time in practicing with his band and spending time with his adopted parents, either just lounging around the house like the sometimes lazy teenager he was, or going out on a quick family vacation to the beach or out camping. Either way, Sebastian was exceptionally content with his life, as busy as it may be. [b]Other:[/b] Thanks to a rather profound effect a certain movie had on him, a particular quote stuck with Sebastian from one of the lines from Peter Pan. "To die would be an awfully big adventure!" As soon as he was eighteen, Sebastian had these words tattooed onto his left rib-cage in loopy penmanship where he feels a strange sense of pride connected to these words. There was an instance when Sebastian was out ocean fishing one time with his friends and Sebastian reeled in a rather large sea turtle. His friends, finding it rather hilarious, began calling him 'Crush' ever since, as the movie 'Finding Nemo' had just been released and quite the hit in Australia. The name of Sebastian's band is blank.5 (pronounced blank point five) and are considered alternative rock. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAFSFmnxxBc]"I Got A Feeling" By Black Eyed Peas.[/url] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Sebastian.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]