[color=C0C0C0]"Already got you covered Felix."[/color] Nemo said as he lifted his forearm up from the table and faced his manadial towards Felix. Nemo's manadial for the most part looked identical to a real luxury chronograph watch with an all gold finish and a white dial. The only difference was the small mostly clear crystal placed below the 12 o'clock marker. [color=C0C0C0]"In the past I didn't [i]only[/i] use my senses to track people. Accessing or hacking manadials was a necessary portion of my job. I'm already in the network. As for the enchantment, I'm afraid that wont be possible. The dial was made to automatically dispel any additional spells in order to keep myself secure. Not to mention my own abilities would do that to any foreign magic as well.[/color] He explained as he held up his bandaged palm with the X rune. The sound of his cup of tea shattering on the ground diverted his attention away from Felix. He glanced between Raiya and the broken cup before leaning back in his chair and pointing at her with a small grin; the opposite reaction one would suspect. [color=C0C0C0]"I knew it, you're a Picasso fan too. [i]'Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.'[/i] One of my favorite quotes."[/color] He looked down to the broken cup as the liquid flowed outwards on the floor.[color=C0C0C0] "What does it make you feel when you observe? Would someone identify with fragility the cup, or the power of it's unseen smasher? Or maybe they see themselves as the tea, now freed from it's porcelain cage... I find it fascinating."[/color] Nemo asked, using his manadial to snap a picture of the shattered cup afterwards. Nemo should definitely still be locked up.