[color=7bcdc8][h1]Wraith[/h1][/color] Who the hell did this guy think he was? Wraith's face twisted in anger as she looked up at Turn Back. She knew she couldn't afford to blow up at him in the middle of the group. She'd get kicked out for one thing, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wouldn't last two seconds against them. Besides, he hadn't done anything to deserve violence. Yet. Still, she couldn't say nothing. She snapped at him, clenching her fists. [color=7bcdc8]"Give me a break, asshole. Who the hell do you think you-"[/color] Before she could finish her retort, Ditch cut her off, with a glare that made her think stopping would be good for her health. It kinda looked like she was gonna go for the whole explosion thing, so she decided to stop herself from yelling at him. So, she decided to go for her second option. Better to at least pretend to be sorry. [color=7bcdc8]"Sure, whatever. Sorry, I guess."[/color] she looked at Turn Back, and shrugged, then spoke to him, quietly enough that no-one else would hear her. [color=7bcdc8]"You think saving one kid, super or not, is gonna make it better? You can't save everyone, [i]hero[/i]."[/color] she smiled pleasantly, and held out a hand for a handshake, though her eyes betrayed her cold anger. [color=7bcdc8]"That attitude is gonna get you or someone you care about hurt someday."[/color] she said, her tone casual enough to be discussing the weather. Her grin widened as she finished talking. [color=7bcdc8]"I just hope I'm there to see it."[/color] With that, she picked up her bag and walked a little bit away from him to avoid any kind of retort. She looked at Ditch, muttering an apology and shuffling her feet awkwardly. [color=7bcdc8]"If you really think he'll be that much help, then I'm sorry. I'm just a bit on edge right now. All this talk of ghosts..."[/color] she shrugged, looking at the floor and hoping they'd believe her apology. [color=7bcdc8]"You can see why it'd freak me out, of all people, right?"[/color] Of course, she wasn't really sorry at all. Well, part of her was. Maybe- No. If she allowed herself to open up, she'd be made weak, vulnerable. If Umbra had a mind controller on his side, then she couldn't afford that kind of weakness. She was stronger than that, stronger than them, strong enough to do whatever had to be done. If that meant kicking out the kid to help herself, then so be it.