Henry was running through a dark valley, naked and out of breath. Something was chasing him, and it had a lot of friends. He caught only mere glimpses of them, but what he saw terrified him. Their bodies were twisted and misshapen, completely black except for their faces. Their faces, the terrified him. He ran ass fast as he could, until he tripped over a small rock and landed on his face. He couldn't even shield his face, his arms refused to move for some reason. He turned on his back, and the creatures were on him. They tore into him, ripping apart his flesh, digging their claws in his stomach, chest, arms, legs and groin. He saw the blood fly, the chunks of meat and organ cover him and his assailants. He tries to scream, but nothing comes out. Its not the pain, or the sight of his flesh being torn apart that make him scream. Its the faces. The faces of the dead. The faces of those he killed. "Anderson. Yo! Anderson! We're here." Henry roused himself from his nightmare and looked around. He was in the company car, surrounded by his team. They had arrived at their destination, some mom and pop operation. They owed his employers money, and he was there to collect. They hopped out the vehicle and head towards the entrance, the lead man kicked in the door, eliciting shouts from the inside. The crew grabbed the family inside and tied them up. Henry walked up to the man of the family, a guy of about middle age, just a normal family man. Poor fucker. "Mister Torres, you owe my employer a lot of money. We are here to take recompense for what is owed. Your buisness is worthless, as are you. So, we have no use for you other than to send a message. I am going to put a bullet in both your knees, then light this place on fire. Your wife and daughters will be taken and sold to the highest bidder, after they have been trained as good obedient whores. Your sons, we will do the same for a couple of them, one of them will likely end up on a table and have his organs removed, without anesthesia. You brought this on yourself, but you can avoide all this Mister Torres, if you accept my employer deal. So, are you willing to listen?" Of course he is, they always are. Even if they didn't belive him, it was no matter. He never lied about how he would get the money back. The first few people never took him seriously, but once word got around about what happened to them, people start to listen. Just another day of buisness.