Serhiem was certainly in a tricky situation here, though it seemed everyone was in agreement that the Orc should at least be rewarded for his efforts. "So be it, give him five cows as a reward. Ardghal shall deliver this, I wouldn't want your sickness afflicting you on this journey, SeĆ²ras. As for the poison, make them into projectiles as it would be a great deterrent to an enemy charge once they see their men afflicted in such a manner." Serhiem stroked his unkept beard before saying, "This meeting is adjourned. You may all go about your business." [hr] Through some difficult talking with Eliz, Serhiem managed to get the strange bow away from her so that he and the other craftsman may study and attempt to replicate it for the Gallocemen. It would prove to be a great asset in their defensive and offensive capabilities. "Alright, describe to me what it is like," Serhiem ordered as he felt it for a bit, trying to make heads or tells of what the thing was like. "Well, it is like a sort cross with the bar at the very end of it. There seems to be some sort of mechanism that released the arrow once it is loaded in," Garsh, one of Serhiem's close friends, said as the others nodded in agreement. They were all crowded around the table with supplies and parchment to see if they could write down how the design truly goes. Then, they proceeded to go to work.