[@lovely complex] I feel like, in that regard, Eli and Ash are a lot of alike. Both analyze and examine people based off of their reactions and such. Maybe that's why they have an oddly close, brother-sister vibe to them. I mean, it might seem odd because Eli - the original concept of him - was supposed to be a sort of prickish dick. However, the more I write him, it's seeming like the prick-esque tendencies are more of a subtlety and his thoughtful, almost-analytical side is taking a dominant role. Perhaps its his company. I'm sure if he is in the company of King or someone he doesn't like [s]*coughcoughGhost[sup][sub][@Wade Wilson][/sub][/sup]coughcough* [/s], he might show off that dickhead side to him. And yeha, I definitely spotted the differences in Ash and Nessa. They're definitely different in both the way they act externally [i]and[/i] internally. Like you said, Nessa believes there is good in everyone no matter who they may be, while Ash has a more co-dependent belief system in regards to the good in people(I hope I understood that right). Also, if we're gonna call Jackson The Boy Wonder, I think he would be best compared to Dick Grayson. Of course, he's nowhere near teh smarts of Dick(or any of Batman's Robins), but I do believe that Dick's impulsiveness could be compared to Jackson. There's also the sort of brash personality that Dick had as Robin that kind of gives me a feeling of Jackson. And oh my god, I just thought of who would have been another great face claim for Jackson: Jesse McCartney(sp?), who voiced Dick Greyson/Robin/Nightwing in Young Justice, which is why I thought of him just now haha. :lol