Bah. No point reiterating our own statements. Here's a far better argument: [quote=@Mahz] I have zero issues with obscenity and the Guild is unrestricted by our personal limits as staff. I'm not even sure I have any. My goal for the Guild is for people to do as they please and to set boundaries that are optimal for the most amount of people. I only care about a few things: 1. The Guild won't violate Adsense guidelines. I will rigorously re-examine those guidelines when the mature/adult system is actually the next feature in my queue (I still haven't even finished pondering what that system will be), but as [@HeySeuss] mentioned, and according to the guidelines last time I examined them, Adsense's restrictions only apply to each page the ads are on. 2. The Guild won't violate American federal law. This is another thing I will re-examine, but last I checked, there is no precedent for obscenity enforcement winning against written erotica. And for good reason. Imagine there was a fictional story that involves acts that would be illegal in real life, and imagine that it was illegal to write about such acts. But wait, the story ends with: "Note: All characters in this story are an alien race thousands of years old that only look like humans.". I'm not going to sit here and guess in advance what kind of content an adult system will fill up with. I just have to see how it goes and react accordingly. 3. Users must set their birth date and opt-in to see adult content. "Sensitive" content should be limited on the public Guild, and it should be tucked away behind an opt-in process. 4. People should be given the tools to manage multiple accounts. The Guild doesn't care about multiple accounts, as anything bad you can do with multiple accounts is already against the rules. People are going to make multiple accounts no matter what, and it's trivial to circumvent a system that prohibits them (for this reason I also don't bother with IP bans). Instead, I embrace them and would like to allow people to link their multiple accounts together so that they can quickly switch between them. For example, imagine a drop-down button next to your username in the top navbar that lets you switch between them. Since the Guild's birth, its PM system has been filled with smut. People are going to do as they please. I'd rather at least offer the tools for these people to find each other in a way that doesn't impact the current system. I haven't pondered the entire solution yet since I'm working on some other features. Maybe all it will be is an opt-in system that lets you tag and see checks with a set of adult tags and the content still takes place over PM. Not sure yet. Maybe that's the start and we'll go on from there. [/quote]