Enter, enter, enter, reject, enter, enter, enter, failed bribe and reject, enter, enter, enter. The job of a bouncer gets more repetitive as the night goes on and on nights as popular as this the sea of faces start to blend together into one big scantily cladded blur. [color=00a651][i]"Just a few more hours then yo' clock out."[/i][/color] The towering redhead reassured himself as he turned away another disappointed student and added yet another fake idea to the bin next to his feet. Arty never understood all the excitement over LUSH's foam nights, to him it was soggy clothes and foam in your drink. [color=00a651][i]"Damn, I must be gettin' old."[/i][/color] Arty thought to himself with a slight smirk and a shake of his head. Another dozen or so people either accepted or rejected and it didn't seem Arty's quitting time was coming anytime soon. It was about this time of evening that Arty started people watching and the blur of people slowly started to become individuals again. It was always interesting to see what people wore to foam night, there were people showing up in regular street clothes and apparently had no idea how ruined they would be by the end of the night, others in actual swimming trunks or swim suits, there was even a bloke who showed up in a scuba suit, and god was that a group of men in speedos that he just let in? It was moments like this that Arty remembered why it was good to treat the ocean of people as a blur, though the Irishman was able to get a good chuckle out of it. With all the people coming his way Arty had completely forgotten about the brilliant blue dot that he had spotted in the crowd earlier, well that was until she was right in front of him. Just like her hair the young lady's outfit made her stand out in the crowd, she was the only one wearing a dress... well the only one wearing a dress that couldn't be argued was the size of a napkin. Arty couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the small look of surprise that came to her face once she recognized him. [color=00a651][b]"It is good to see yo' too lass. My run went pretty smoothly, I just hope yo' managed to stay on yer feet for the yers."[/b][/color] He joked back as he took the ID that she had offered him. It was obviously clear that it was real which Arty was pretty glad about, he would of hated to have to send such a nice girl off. Calliope was her name huh? That was quite the... unique one. But Arty wasn't the one to judge, hell there was a reason he went by Arty and not Artair after all. [color=00a651][b]"Well it is really nice to meet yo' lass, my friends call me Arty.[/b][/color] He said as he offered her a warm smile and handed her back her ID. Just after that one of the other patrons of the line took it upon herself to get rather handsy with Calliope, taking what looked like a rather unpleasant handful of the lass's hair. Usually Arty would have to step in during these types of situations, he had been on the bad end of a lot of cat fights during his time working at LUSH, but it looked like Calliope was able to handle all on her own. Arty always respected someone who could end a conflict with out having to give someone a broken nose. He offered the girl another smile before he stepped aside, opening the way for her. [color=00a651][b]"Have a great evenin' lass and if there is any trouble don't think twice about askin' me fer help."[/b][/color] He finished in his usual jolly tone.