[quote=@lovely complex] [@Altered Tundra] Romamce the fuck out of Ash, Jackson xD That was great. Jackson was so thoughtful up until then and I laughed xD. That was a really good post from both Eli and Jackson. Eli is Ash's bro for life. And hell if Ash is near people she dislikes, she might reveal her inner bitch. She prefers to come across as unnerving and unshakeable. But who knows what people will do to test her patience. I'm still glad you used Evan Peters as your fc >.> [/quote] I knew that line would give you a good laugh. :D I felt like it wouldn't be a Jackson post without something [i]totally[/i] thoughtful like that. :D And thanks! :D I definitely tried to at least give them some interesting insights about Oliver. I like to think I succeeded for both of those unique individuals. :D It's kind of funny, isn't it? Eli was the last person I expected to have as many friends as he does. I originally thought he would be one of those guys that would be the Ghost-type of loner-esque character, but it appears to not be the case. He not only has an interesting friendship with Ash, there's also the yet-to-be-seen-ICly dynamic with [@Apokalipse]'s Guy, which is something I'm [i]really[/i] looking forward to developing. ^_^ As am I, but I was just saying he could have passed for a Jackson too. Honestly, any tall, lean blonde fc could have passed for him- even Aaron and Nick Carter(ofc their younger selves). But, I am definitely happy with Evan Peters. The gifs of him from Sleepover are perf for Jackie-boy! :D