[color=springgreen]Sinys: Lyn's Hunt[/color] Sinys kept his mouth shut the duration of conversation focusing on binding the cloth flat to the skin. Satisfied with his work he nodded and then pulled his face up bringing it closer to Helena's [color=springgreen]"I am entirely blind, sorry I didn't see your sight devices. Although I would like to believe I know which direction they have flown in."[/color] He then continued to jerk his head toward the Alpha Cosh, with regret. He felt sorry for the girl to a degree, being vulnerable with out something so fragile. Then again he missed that his abilities to sense things were quite fragile recently. He sighed and turned walking to the closer fight, he was going to retrieve those glasses as a secondary mission. His mindset was determined with empathy, there was no telling what it would take to make another set of that device for her. He paused for a moment and turned back to Helena [color=springgreen]"Are you coming to get your glasses?"[/color] He didn't stay turned around as he talked. Continuing forward was the only thing he considered doing as he was not able to detect small motions at this range. He took his time walking with his bow drawn at his side, listening to the battle in detail now he realized his arrows would do little in that situation. This changed over the next few moments, quite rapidly in fact. He only ran to get a better shot in a different direction, he was thankful for the details in sound he was receiving. Thankful the vampire was loud, that she wasn't out of the game. He knew what that hiss meant from a humanoid, also she was most certainly not one of those naga. He had only met one before when he was but a child, a friend of his mother's. It wasn't a very long visit. Using other details like the archer from earlier, the armor scraping, and other things painted him a very tight image in his concentration. He pulled his bow up, aimed to the bright spot of noise, and adjusted to perfect angles. This was his moment in time, a stationary target, a perfect target. It would take divine Providence to make him miss his mark. Or a damned tree. He released with confidence.