[@Jbcool] He doesn't [i]need[/i] a weapon, per se. In fact, I've kind of got it in my head that he might bumrush the Arbites line and snatch a shock mace and suppression shield from one of the unlucky bastards to wield for the near future (though whether or not that's wise or even achievable is another matter entirely). However, I assumed that, as a matter of course, every Chaos worshipper in the VIP section would be receiving a gun, whether or not they're eight-foot-tall superhumans; a suitably large weapon just seems somewhat appropriate, given his size. I might stick with an autogun for the handed-to-him weapon, though; stubbers are apparently pintle-mounted under normal circumstances, and belt-fed in any case, hence unwieldy for the length of ammo casing extending from them.