[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1eTUuvV.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [h3][color=191a15]Perso[/color][color=fffcff]nality:[/color][/h3] Juno could be compared to a wolf (much like her last name suggests), silently stalking her prey for great distances and amounts of time, waiting for the perfect opportunity. She only speaks when spoken to, or when she absolutely must. Otherwise, she could melt into any crowd without a trace, which she has done on more than one occasion to escape. When one actually does meet her and talk her up however, she is calm and polite, although frequently a smartass. She speaks in a quiet voice and is very patient, as such she is very hard to piss off. Before one should even think to piss her off however, they would be wise to be mindful of how fast she is with a blade. [hr] [h3][color=191a15]Back[/color][color=fffcff]story:[/color][/h3] Juno was born in the wrong faction. As a child, she frequently got into fights and did not embrace the honesty and transparency required by the Candor. Every year she waited outside of the choosing ceremony to watch the Dauntless run, her mind set on joining them when she was of age. It was the freedom that attracted her, no boundaries, no restrictions. She could hide whatever she wanted to. When she turned sixteen, she began to “train” herself for the aptitude tests, and although she had no idea what they entailed, she wanted to free herself of the faction she currently called home. Dauntless was where she belonged. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2XNYlEWwTM[/youtube][/center]