[center][color=Sandybrown][h3]Jasper Dawson[/h3][/color] [color=Sandybrown]Location:[/color] In front of the Caldwell Penthouse [color=Sandybrown]Interacting with:[/color] Josie [@SouffleGirl123] and Ballsy Lady [@Fabricant451] [hr][hr][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/ff476e1bcf281f2cd419c5e1934cf75a/tumblr_mvpp1wK7JI1rli1a8o3_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] "[color=Sandybrown]Damn Josie! Every time I see you, I'm like... your hair be burnin' up like neon lights! You'll be like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons up there. Well, minus my sis, she's a damn dove.[/color]" Jasper nodded in acknowledgement of his sister's beauty. If Ava wanted to, she could totally be a model and he wasn't just thinking that because he was her brother. Not many girls were as lucky as his sister to be given the looks she was blessed with. Granted, she was the type of person to take care of her skin and maintain her weight. Maybe, she cared about her appearance a bit too much? She wasn't vain, don't get him wrong, but some people just put too much care to stay healthy. Look at him! He had a belly and he's totally okay with it. Regardless, her life was dedicated to dancing so modeling was not on the agenda unless it was for advertising her dance events and shit. The awe for his sister was short lived when he came to the daunting realization of a predicament that could occur tonight. His thoughts trailed into the darker section of his mind as he thought about hungry wolves staring at her and wanting to devour his precious sister's innocence. College boys and possibly college females. His sister was open minded, who knows who would chase after her!? He was more concerned of the boys though... dangerous men. He would know, he was (is) one of them. "[color=Sandybrown]OH NO.[/color]" he said out loud to himself. Narrowing his eyes, due to the sudden thought of predators grinding up all over his sister while he was on his errand, Jasper grimaced. Leaning in by Josie's ear, the drunkard whispered, "[color=Sandybrown]Keep an eye on my sis. She's got silver hair, a white top, and black leggings. She's like a guy magnet. I DON'T TRUST GUYS.[/color]" Unintentionally, he raised his voice while he was quite close to her. Stumbling back, he finally registered her question on whether or not he was drunk. PFFT. What a simple question, but then again, Josie didn't see him everyday so she had no idea he was an alcoholic. Having no clue that Josephine had little to no knowledge of the party, the man's warm brown eyes gazed upon her face with intrigue, not recalling a party where he and her had time to jam together, or even get drunk together. Bobbing his head like a fool with random club music playing in his head, he gave a cheesy grin, "[color=Sandybrown]Aw Jojo, don't tell me you came to Nicky's shindig sober?! Well, that's alright, there's plenty of refreshments when you--[/color]" [color=AFEEEE]"Oh shit, is that you, Josie? Small city, isn't it?"[/color] An androgynous woman with a suit on, strolled on up and nonchalantly invited herself to Nick's party. Contemplating her appearance as she talked, Jay tilted his head as she flicked her cigarette to the ground. For someone who knew a lot of people, he surprisingly didn't know this woman. That probably would change tonight-- maybe. Shit was packed up there. His expression stood straight for a good, long moment, as he took her in, deciding what to even think. At least, she was nothing like his supposedly new roommate: Alex. [i]What a bitch[/i]. No one would be as bad as her. He shuttered at the thought of King even knowing such a foul beast. Without a doubt, his bro was going to bring her tonight. Sighing to himself, Jasper would have to be the better person and not start trouble. BUT, if the bitch starts something first, he might not be able to hold his tongue--especially with how much he plans to drink. "[color=Sandybrown]Nah, it's my bud's party. Nick Caldwell, heard of him? Major face at Mort... EITHER WAY. Any friend of Josie's is a friend of mine. The name's Jasper, Jasper Dawson.[/color]" Offering his hand, he waited for a handshake, or a fist bump, or whatever kids did these days. His hand was open for whatever. "[color=Sandybrown]Ya'll go rock your socks off and if anyone questions you, just mention me.[/color]" Checking the time, Jasper knew he needed to hurry up to get Nicky's "pick up". Every big party Nick threw, he always sent Jay to get him this odd, specialized pizza. He never questioned it nor looked inside the box, but what the simple man did not know was that... he was carrying drugs for the party in a box. You'd think he'd realize with how light the box was that something was up, right? NOPE. NOT JASPER.