[@Ninian] I'm a sap too and it happens. ^ ^" I just love Nuzlockes though, it makes the experience all the more real with the stakes, personal, and emotional. Plus, the challenge's great and so is the heartbreak. XD I'm currently going through three of them right now actually, and one of them's near the end, one way or another...Save me. Nuzlockes are like an addiction to me. @____@ She is indeed! She's from ProJared's Nuzlocke of FireRed. Not my persona favourite Nuzlocker though, that'd have to be PBG, solely because of how incompetent and uninformed he is of Pokémon. Makes it far more challenging and fun to watch, especially the battles he wins. We were all surprised he made it up to the champion. As for whether he wins, well, I won't spoil it if you ever want to watch. And yup, I'm fluent in all, though my French, especially spoken, could use some work, and I only started to learn how to read and write in Kurdish at 13, so four years ago, and I still need to learn more in that aspect. I can pick up bits of Persian, Italian, and as much as I hate to admit it, Japanese in my borderline weaboo phase. (And yes, it was borderline, thank god. My only full blowen phase ever was my Emo phase and that was when I was 4-7, and mostly I have my sister to blame for it. Sorta long story XD)