As she attempted to walk back into the house, her knees gave way and she fell to the floor. Frustrated and broken, she sighed as Omni knelt in front of her to give her a ride on his back to the house. She hated that she couldn’t get to Ryan herself but this wasn’t about her right now, it was about Ryan and making sure that he was alive. They made it to the living room where she was sat down onto the couch. Omni explained that Tara was going to have to perform a surgery, right there on the living room floor. Her eyes teared up as her hand went to her mouth. It was happening all too quickly. Tara was cutting into him and pulling out needles that had to have been full of poison. There was people everywhere and screams could be heard all throughout the house. Reagan wanted to crawl over if she had too to find a way to make him feel better but she knew better than to get into Tara’s or anyone else’s way. He looked up at the two of them and gave a faint smile giving her a bit of relief that he was still there, still ready to stay alive for them. She nodded as he asked for to be brave for him even though on the inside, she was shaking and was petrified that he wasn’t going to be okay. As her mind started to race over thoughts of the worse possible scenario, she felt her hand being held which led her to look at Omni. “I know we have to be brave. I’m trying my hardest.” She said to him honestly. Her body tensed every time Tara had to go in and grab the needles out of his body. She knew the kind of pain he must’ve been feeling. He looked vulnerable, which was something she had never seen him like before. She squeezed Omni’s hand gently as Tara quickly took out another needle and felt Omni stand up and yell that something wasn’t working. She was on the edge of her seat as she watch Omni walk over and cut his own wrist to make Ryan drink his blood. Reagan allowed tears to fall from her face as she looked away, not sure whether or not she would be able to stomach the sight of it. When Omni was finished, she’d only look up when he wasn’t screaming, hoping that her being there would give him a little comfort. The last needle was surely the hardest to bare. It was longer than the others but they were all out and the surgery was complete. Tara left, followed by Ken leaving Neesa to sew him up. Reagan stood up gently and made her way over to Ryan where she knelt down by his head, not caring that the sheet was soaked in blood and his body was a mess. She used her hand to brush some of his bloody hair out of his face. She needed him to know that she wasn’t going to leave, not this time. “I’m right here, Ryan. I’m right here,” she said to him trying to comfort him as Neesa continued to sew. After a little bit, Neesa seemed to have been finished and she took a rest. Reagan looked at Omni. “We should get your father cleaned up and into a comfortable spot. The quicker he rests, the better he’ll be.” She said as she stepped away from him for a moment so that way the men could carry him gently to a place to get cleaned up. Before they left, Reagan put her hand on Omni’s shoulder gently. “What you did during the surgery..that was true bravery. I know your father is proud of you.” She said with a small smile.