[@Double]Well went through 4 different character ideas, but here he finally is [b]Name:[/b]Etzo [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b]Hylian [b]Appearance:[/b] [Hider][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/ec4e/i/2008/220/8/a/the_alchemist_by_yuumei.jpg[/Img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A bit of a scatter brain, Etzo can often leave others in the dust as he jumps from topic to topic, often seeming to have little connection from one to the next. While he can easily lose track of what someone is trying to talk to him about, he rarely seems bothered by this, an easy smile on his face. Many people initially believe him to be an airhead, though he usually is simply distracted by a whirlwind of ideas that race through his mind. However, when brewing, researching, or raining chemicals and bombs on the enemy, Etzo takes on a rather manic manner, the normally easy going Alchemist going a mile a minute. [b]Background:[/b] Etzo had always believed he would live a shut in life, having been born in Kakariko village, growing up there, and finally becoming apprenticed to the potion brewer who live there . Days passed as he spent his time alternating between stocking the shelves and constantly surrounding himself in massive piles of books and failed experiments. He found little changed to his daily life as Ganondorf waged his war, the only divergence being an increase in his time making supplies for his mentor as the refugees seemed to flood the town. While he was aware that the war continued beyond his village, as long as it didn't interrupt his research he could care less. Leave the heroics to the adventurers. Unfortunately he had little choice in the matter, fate deeming he join the fray regardless of wether he wished it or not. Shortly after tell of the Hero and Zelda's fall, a simpe task of gathering mushrooms for brewing from the village's cemetery changed the young rookie alchemists path, finding a strange golden fragment laying in the soft earth of the grave of The Composer Brothers. Seemingly as soon as he touched it, the Fragment of Wisdom merged with Etzo, and suddenly the charts and graphs listing his many failed concoctions made him almost laugh. So many a night spent toiling, and now the answers seemed so embarrasingly simple. The next few days seemed to blur, the doors to his home shut to all as strange lights and smells eked out of the houses shutters and chimney. It was only as the door to his Home began to crack did he hear the screams as the first wave of Gannondorf's forces by sheer strength a town that had stood for 7 years in the face of the growing tyrant. His body seemed to move of its own accord, mixing chemicals as quicker than the moblins soilders could break the door. Finally as they brought the door down, they found a scrawny Hylian with a manic gaze staring down the pig like creatures. Drinking a glowing yellow liquid he couldn't remeber making, time suddenly slowed to a crawl as he watched the moblins gather themselves and continue into the house. Ducking behind one of the many massive iron pots for brewing he had, Etzo tossed a pair of bubbling vials towards the group, closing his eyes and covering his ears in preperation. After a cacophony of sound and light emitted from the home, a few moments passed before the manic brewer stepped out, the tail of his robes smoking and charred. While most of that night after is a blurred mix of screaming, burning and explosions; some his and others from diffrent sources, the last thing he remebers is finding himself being loaded into a cart by leaving the village, one of the last to leave for Oasis. Since arriving at the Resistance, Etzo has found it quite easy to make himself useful, sending cauldrons of healing and magic potions with the troops as they skirmish with Gannondorf's troops. His housing has since been separated slightly from most other residences, in order to avoid collateral damage. He can either be found taking down a list for needed supplies, tinkering with the next Revelation for the Revolution, or down at the bass getting wasted. [b]Skills:[/b] -Archery: While he'd rather be chucking bombs, Etzo is a decent hand at throwing bolts at the enemies, having taken a few runs at the archery courses the women of the Gerudo tribe have set up since moving to Oasis. -Healthcare: In an effort to avoid wasting resources, Etzo has some basic treatment skills, able to handle most non-life threating wounds on the field. -Knowledge of Fauna and Flora: Research into the various uses of plants and animals for brewing purposes has at least in theory made him familiar with most of the denizens of Hyrule. [b]Magic:[/b] -Alchemy: From his training back in Kakariko village, Etzo has a handy grasp on the chemistry behind simple healing potions, as well as magic potions for those that can make use of them. Aside from the old favorites, he is constant finding new effects to try out on the troops. Aside from potions, he is well versed in putting together various explosives, lately becoming something of a demolitions expert during the war. He believes he could even make elemental explosions, though a lack of resources has made this only theory for the moment. [b]Gear:[/b] -Bandolier: Leather strap across his chest holds a myriad of concoctions, all labeled in chicken scratch than few besides himself can discern. -Portable Alchemy Kit: While he won't be making any miracle concoctions out in the the field, Etzo can throw together a decent healing salve with the right supplies, or a simple bomb if need be. -Empty Bottles: For all your potion holding needs, also good for holding interesting specimen found in the field. Rumor says with enough skill, one could use them to turn evils own power against them. -Large Bomb Bag: Where else is an alchemist supposed to keep his explosives. -Heavy Crossbow: fitted to fire bolts in most cases, Etzo has designed a launching mechanism to send various concoctions at enemies. It's quiver holds about 20-25 bolts. -Light Armor:While in battle Etzo fits himself an under layer of hardened sectioned leather, mostly focused in vital areas such as the chest and other areas. -Backpack: Large pack made to safely hold all the various materials an alchemist on the go. -100ft of Rope: What can't you use rope for. -Wallet: For when you get tired of showing off your Rupees. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Lack of Martial Training: While Etzo understands the theory of many martial skills, he'd had little training in these regards. While he can buff himself up with various concoctions, this is only a temporary and risky alternative to actual training. -Absent Minded: The constant rush of theorys and fascination with new things makes Etzo rather open to suprises, often when not on gaurd rarely aware of people until they have made themselves apparent...multiple times. -Low Alcohol Tolerance: Etzo is something of a light weight when it comes to drinking, which wouldn't be a problem, except if he isn't brewing, doing research, or within throwing range of a battle, he's more than likely at the nearest pub.