[Center][H2][color=Red] Warning all information contained within the following file was required from a secret underground lab[/color][/h2][/Center] [Hider] [Center] [color=Silver] Slendy[/color] Picture taken when found in the aftermath/wastelands of the Free territory [Hider][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/e3/9c/e4e39ca6417535da209bf78ff1dd2c51.jpg[/img][/hider] Picture taken after experiments and rehabilitation [Hider][img]http://cfile9.uf.tistory.com/image/22799C4A54B93211168539[/img][/hider] "What... Are.. We?!" [Indent][indent][sub] -First words after 'rebirth' [/sub][/indent][/indent] [color=silver]What is your name? Do you have any nicknames? Please include them.[/color] We have given him the nickname Slendy. [color=silver]What is your gender?[/color] The test subject is Male. [color=silver]How old are you?[/color] When we first obtained Slendy he seemed to be the age of a young teenager but do to his frail state he possibly could of been older. After are 'rehabilitation' tests, which rounded about years, we've came to a conclusion that Slendy doesn't age or ages at an extremely slow rate. To this we concluded that his current age is unknown. [color=silver]What species are you? Please include details about said species.[/color] We tested his blood and came to countless dead ends. He couldn't be human due to what conditions we found the boy in. Didn't show any signs of zombiism or that of a mummy. Although he did have reminiscents of other human DNA which lead us to uncover that he eats humans. It is unclear that if it is cannibalism or not but he does survive off of things normal humans aren't capable of. [color=Silver]What abilities and powers do you have? Do you have any expertise or “special skills”? Please include them.[/color] Sadly we were successful in recording all of his 'enhancements' all it took was the lives of so many brave scientist. His abilities consist of: •Super Strength •"Slender Walking" or Teleportation •Fire Manipulation •Tentacles/limbs Also from our experiments he's gain a slight regeneration ability. Limbs, hours and major arteries can be regenerated with about a week. He seems unstoppable but his greatly weak against lightening or electrical currents, though the volts used to subdue him are enough to kill the average human on contact. [color=Silver]Are you skilled in certain types of combat? What type of weapon do you typically wield?[/color] Data collected from his consecutive break outs has shown us that when in mid to far range(15 to 20 feet) he relys on his tentacles to strike, using them as if they were flexible swords but less sharper. The tentacles also happen to be bullet proof and tough enough that even our toughest needle injections couldn't break through its tough....skin? Anyways he sometimes resort to using a fake bb gun to shoot fire projectiles. How he obtain the gun is unknown. Besides animal like instincts Slendy has been trained in basic combat styles of Karate, Tai Chi, and Muay Thai. [color=silver]What equipment do you typically carry into battle? Or feel comfortable carrying into battle?[/color] From an odd and unexplainable reason Slendy is inseparable from his gas mask. Though he breathes Dihydrogen Monoxide like everyone else. He also carries his bb gun everywhere he goes. Also ravens seem to circle him as if he's a dying pray, they could be commonly be seen before he actually appears. [color=silver]Are you affiliated with any other organization? If so, please say who and your rank.[/color] I.D.R.I.S [color=silver]Where in Guild City are you from?[/color] We found the boy in Free territory. [color=silver]What has your life been like so far?[/color] *Page is ripped out* -Let's just say confinement, tourture, being experimented on and treated like crap has led him to escaped and destroy the lab. Luckily his file wasn't destroyed in the confound state that erupted during his escape. [color=silver]Would you like to include any additional information that we may have missed?[/color] [YouTube] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D-SQqppuGvc&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] [/Center] [/hider]