I just need to finish off the history for the CS but otherwise it's good to go (I was at a wedding on Friday and suffice to say I'm still not 100%). [hider=Character Name][center][h1][color=turquoise]Matthew Paris[/color][/h1] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=127334771[/img] [/center] |[b][color=turquoise]{Full Name}[/color][/b]| Matthew Joseph Paris |[b][color=turquoise]{Nickname}[/color][/b]| Matthias |[b][color=turquoise]{Birth Date}[/color][/b]| 14th May 1992 |[b][color=turquoise]{Age}[/color][/b]| 23 |[b][color=turquoise]{Gender}[/color][/b]| Male |[b][color=turquoise]{Sexuality}[/color][/b]| Bisexual |[b][color=turquoise]{Group}[/color][/b]| The Watchers |[b][color=turquoise]{Charm}[/color][/b]| Silver crucifix on a short chain around his left wrist |[b][color=turquoise]{In Depth Appearance}[/color][/b]| Matthias, believing in the importance of professional attire, regulates his own appearance very tightly. He wears a three piece suit of a black of deep blue colour at most times, a fitting tie always knotted in a Windsor (or a double), and in colder months he will shrug on a charcoal black winter coat and cotton gloves of the same colour. Where required, he will downgrade his wardrobe to fit in but will usually still dress in a crisp manner. His blond hair is cut every month to a grade 8 length, brushed to the right but never gelled. To most, his pasty skin colour, hair and attired marks him out as a young businessman, a trainee barrister or some other white collar worker which aligns with his background and upbringing. |[b][color=turquoise]{Likes}[/color][/b]| -Novels, both literary and less so. -The pursuit of learning. -Smart attire. -Faith, of any kind. -Polite discourse. -Single-malt whiskey. -Strategy and role playing video games (his 'secret' pleasure). |[b][color=turquoise]{Dislikes}[/color][/b]| -Animosity based on faith, ethnicity, gender etc. -Unnecessary violence. -Brash language/attitude. -Disregard for rules and etiquette. -Hot and humid weather. -Loud ignorance. -Disloyalty. |[b][color=turquoise]{Habits}[/color][/b]| -Touches wooden door frames when walking through them. -Fiddles with his bracelet when impatient. -Likes to read when travelling (whether by foot or public transport). |[b][color=turquoise]{Fears}[/color][/b]| -Not great with heights -Betrayal |[b][color=turquoise]{Good Personality Traits}[/color][/b]| -A strong believer in justice, both the legal and personal kinds. -Upright, incorruptible. -Has little personal bias, taking every effort to include anyone and everyone where applicable. -Well-organised. |[b][color=turquoise]{Bad Personality Traits}[/color][/b]| -Inflexible. -Has a tendency to believe in the established order, ignoring evidence to the contrary. -Quite cold, uncharismatic and, at times, unfeeling. -A quick temper when his own faith (Catholic) is insulted. |[b][color=turquoise]{Personality}[/color][/b]| Matthias appears rigid and cold and to a great extent that is the case. His upbringing instilled in him a great respect for order, discipline and self-regulation but also, by virtue of his mother's faith, a strong belief in equality, patience and understanding. His appearance can thus be misleading as he harbours a natural sense that the disadvantaged and the weak are not at fault but he cannot quite contrast this against his own belief in the 'system' and its rightfulness; these two conflicting ideals fighting beneath his peaceful expression as he interacts with the world around him. Matthias is a person who will spend his spare time either educating himself, a relentless appetite for further learning burning constantly within him, or attempting to assuage his soul's conscience by volunteering for good causes around him, often through connections made through the Catholic Church. |[b][color=turquoise]{Place of Origin}[/color][/b]| Oxford, England. |[b][color=turquoise]{History}[/color][/b]| At least two detailed paragraphs. |[b][color=turquoise]{Miscellaneous}[/color][/b]| [/hider]