[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WIA4zqR.gif[/img][/center] [color=ec008c][h3][center]Lost Haven, Slums[/center][/h3][/color] Dropping down to a chair, James managed a relieved sigh as he dramatically stretched his arms out and leaned against the back of his seat. Pizza, it was the one thing he had been craving since that morning but the two had been caught up in something they had hoped to prepare further for. From the looks of it, Milo didn't even have time to bring his sword along, something which found home on his back during every mission. "Next time, we don't take the opportunity just because it's there, alright?" [color=ec008c]"Mr. Pink wasn't exactly known for staying put..."[/color] Milo offered, his eyes trailing the various sodas offered on the menu. [color=ec008c]"We saw him in town, we made a move. Tracking him was hell for the both of us. Seeing him the way we did was pure luck..."[/color] "Yeah, let's not lean on luck anymore, alright? You're damn near immortal but remember that, buddy. You're damn [i]near[/i] immortal. You can still die." James shot back, a soft frown forming on his face as he crossed his arms and breathed out. [color=ec008c]"Just made a mistake..."[/color] While being captured was the direct result of a mistake on Milo's part, the boy seemed rather reluctant to let it bother him much. After all, they got out alive. [color=ec008c]"Besides, if I had my sword, there wouldn't have been an issue..."[/color] "But you didn't." James responded, flipping through the menu while barely reading through what was on offer. "Look, I care about you, alright? Don't go around getting shot in the head, it's not healthy." [color=ec008c]"Noted..."[/color] Finally deciding on a milkshake, the one thing James had mentioned during their captivity, Milo closed the menu and turned his eyes to the male before him. He knew that James had more to say, he always did. James was incredibly reliable and he was always there for his friend, someone who had become like a brother to him, though he did have a tendency of running his mouth quite a lot. At first it was a bit of a nuisance but as Milo got more and more used to it, the whole ordeal simply became part of James' charm. "Happy we had this talk." He commented. "Next time we do something impulsive, I'm [i]not[/i] being a lookout. I'm coming with you." [color=ec008c]"We should get you a gun..."[/color] Despite hating the weapon, Milo was well aware of James' inability to manage combat. A gun for self defense was at the very least going to keep him alive in a heated situation where no one else could protect him. "It's not like we can afford one." The young man huffed, lowering his head slightly with the words 'pepperoni pizza' appearing before his eyes. "Then again, Mr. Pink had some cash he handed us." [color=ec008c]"How gracious of him..."[/color] Milo returned, turning his attention to the window as he gazed out across the vast city dazzling with life. He never quite imagined himself here, in a pizza place, with a friend he essentially shared his life with. All of this was such an unexpected turn of events. Before the two got a chance to continue their conversation, a waitress came along to take their orders. "Hello, sweethearts. What would you like to order?" She was what one could describe as attractive by every stretch of the imagination, a young woman probably working part time to pay for any bills she's tied to. Having an everyday job like this seemed to be have its charms, but Milo couldn't really picture himself in a scene like this. It was far too alien for him. "Hey!" James spoke up, a bright smile on his lips. "I'll have the pepperoni pizza." [color=ec008c]"Chocolate milkshake, thank you..."[/color] Milo finished, nodding to the waitress as she walked away with their menus. "Woah, she was hot..." James whispered, leaning in slightly so that Milo could hear him. The smaller of the two would however simply shrug his shoulders and seemed more interested in the what was happening outside the restaurant. "Oh, come on! Don't act like you're too innocent to appreciate an attractive woman. You're older than me, bud." The Asian American grinned, rubbing his chin. "Admit it, you thought she was fine." Raising his eyebrow at the statement, Milo couldn't help but tilt his head curiously. The two had talked about countless subjects in the past but this was territory they had never really gotten to before. Now that James knew everything about Milo, he probably found it more comfortable to bring up, given the circumstances. [color=ec008c]"I prefer men..."[/color] "What!?" Nearly jumping out of his seat, James' eyes widened as his friend stole every inch of attention previously placed on the waitress. "Why didn't you tell me before!?" [color=ec008c]"Huh? It was important...?"[/color] "Of course it was! I mean, you feel like you couldn't tell me?" James placed both hands on the table as he leaned closer. "You think I'd react badly?" [color=ec008c]"You think I'll bring home a boyfriend...?"[/color] With a sly grin crossing the boy's lips, Milo couldn't help but chuckle softly. [color=ec008c]"I don't think that will ever happen..."[/color] "How would the law apply to you anyway?" In truth, Milo had thought about this before albeit slightly. He never really put much effort into this thought process and it simply got in the way of more important things. [color=ec008c]"Did you hear that...?"[/color] Cutting their conversation short, Milo laid notice to how something less savory was about to happen. No rest for the wicked, that was how the saying went, wasn't it?