[quote=@Kalas] [@Kurai Assassin] Which one? [/quote] [b]KBots! Come And Get Them!:[/b] The GFS Peacekeeper Forces are slowly being overrun from the KBot advance through the Free Interest Section. The Brass have ordered a [i]Defensive Checkpoint[/i] to be setup before the Guild Future Society HQ to stop the Bots from advancing any further. Fortunately, the streets grow narrow as they stretch toward the HQ Building, allowing for Peacekeeper Forces to mount a defensive stand at a crucial choke-point. It is your job to assist the Peacekeepers in holding the line until the Checkpoint can be set up. Once the signal has been given, you are to then fall back to the Checkpoint in order to make our last stand. Stand firm, hold your head high and remember, no heroics! [i](Min. 5 people required. NPCs allowed)[/i] [center]______________________________[/center] [b]Our Checkpoint Will Blot Out The Sun:[/b] The order has been given from the higher ups to construct a [i]Defensive Checkpoint[/i] in front of the Guild Future Society HQ. Whilst we already have engineers working on it, there a few sneaky KBots who have made it past our defensive lines. Your job is to protect our engineers at all costs whilst they complete works to the Checkpoint. Once the building work has been completed, you must give the signal for our soldiers to fall back, making sure their path is clear. From there we will show those Bots what it really means to fight in the shade! [i](Min. 3 people required. NPCs not allowed)[/i] ^^ Should be in GIC, not FIC.