Scott was impressed with himself in the sense that he was probably the first person in Portland who got Sara to open up like this. Granted it wasn't anything of great substance, but it was a start and Scott was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. When she finished and said it was his turn. Scott said, "Ahh yes Quid Pro Quo dictates that I share as well." He smiled and said, "Which I don't mind at all." He took a drink and said, "Just a city boy boy born and raised in South Detroit. Oh sorry I've had that song stuck in my head all day let me try again." He took a deep breath and said, "Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Dad worked for the Government and walked out on mom and I 15 years ago. No reason just one day said, 'I gotta go on a trip' and he never came back. Mom worked in city hall in the parks and rec department. I graduated high school with a full ride scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh playing football. I played safety and the coach believed if i really applied myself I could've had a good solid career in the NFL, but medicine and science were my areas of interest. I wanted to know why the body does what it does and how it works. Besides I saw what playing ball was doing to my body, and decided I wanted to be able to walk without pain when I was 40." Scott took another drink and ordered a slice of strawberry chocolate cheesecake for desert. He then continued, "Pitt has a great med school program,So I worked two part time jobs, and applied for every grant and scholarship under the sun to pay to go to Med school. I was still going to be short financially until my mom was killed in a car crash and the settlement paid for it all. Talk about your mixed blessings. I still miss her to this day. I think she would've liked her son being a doctor. So then I realized I had nothing left in Pittsburgh really and decided I had to get away. I applied to UCLA and got in where I did my residency at the Med Center and also worked as a grad assistant to earn some walking around money." Scott leaned on his folded hands and then raised up and said, "What I'm about to tell you I've never told another person, but I just feel I can trust you Sara. Don't ask me why. I met a young lady and we fell hard for each other. We got engaged and we were two months away from graduating. We we're gonna get married the day after graduation, but one night her father came to visit me. He told me that he didn't like me at all. He thought I was too arrogant and not good enough for his daughter. He wrote me out a sizable check to call it all off, and if I didn't he would cut his daughter off from the family. To make it even better I could never tell her the truth, so I told her I wasn't ready and that it would be better off if we ended it once and for all. I did it so she would still have her family something that I didn't have anymore." Kelly bowed his head and said, "$50,000 dollars later and being called and viewed as a son of a bitch by all of our friends and her family I applied at several hospitals and went to the first place that hired me which was right here." Scott shrugged his shoulders and said, "And there it is. Oh yeah I like to workout and I like Van Halen too. 'You really got me' is a great workout song and I also like Italian Food. Now as much as I like Van Halen Bruce Springsteen is my favorite bar none." Just then the waitress brought the desert and Scott pulled another fork he hadn't used, and placed in front of Sara. He said, "No way I'm eating this alone."