[center][img]http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/tumblr_n2k4wz8puC1rauwo2o1_500-1442331548.gif[/img] [color=228b22][h2]D A V Y P O W E R S[/h2][/color] Interacting with: [@Altered Tundra]-Vi [hr][hr] Handsome? David frowned and looked around for the person she [i]must[/i] have been speaking to; it sure as fuck wasn’t him. After a second or so of searching, he realized that it [i]was[/i] him she was speaking to. He could have smoked enough weed to kill [i]Willie fucking Nelson[/i] and it wouldn’t have prepared him for this. Those sounds she was making, her voice, everything. This was simply [i]unfair[/i]. [color=228b22][b]”David. Well, people call me Davy. They definitely don’t call me handsome…”[/b][/color] Honestly, his time at the therapy offices would be better spent talking to his mother about how to deal with girls. Especially attractive ones that kept making weird noises and looking at him with fuck me eyes. [color=228b22][b]”Uh, I know you, I think. You’re… V? Vi. Violandrea? I don’t know. Some people talk about you a little. For the most part, I don’t really listen? I’m kinda… just here. Nobody talks to me. Except for Anna, she won’t [i]stop[/i] talking to me. And then there’s that Lucky dude, he’s aight. But mostly, just me and my duck. I like your dress, it’s very, uh, pretty?”[/b][/color] David frowned as he stared at the blonde girl. He [i]was[/i] not good with girls, they made him nervous. And in this one’s case, uncomfortably(and possibly embarrassingly) aroused. He cleared his throat and looked around. [color=228b22][b]”Uhm, I can walk you to your next class if you want? Since I kind of knocked you over, and it’s probably really only fair for me to makes sure you aren’t, uh, severely injured. Yeah. That.”[/b][/color] Easy, he could do this all day.[/center]