Kaoru knew her actions might have caused some disappointment in Kenshin but shouldn't help herself. She knew she should have better resolve but she hated seeing someone bully someone else, even if it was something minor and non-life threatening. Her eyes moved to where his attention was: on the groceries. "Oh. You're right..." She hoped some of them could be salvaged but it was apparent that the rice was beyond salvation. The vegetables, fruits and some of the wrapped meat were picked up by Kenshin while she stood back and listened. He was right, they couldn't let the guy cause further disruption to them but she was still pretty on edge and could only grumble to herself. The Tajima clan was already causing strife in the city and she hoped her little confrontation wouldn't cause someone innocent unnecessary harm. Sighing, she finally felt her temper lessening. "You're right." She gave him a nod finally. In the back of her mind, she knew his fighting style was different in numerous ways but she knew he could still lend his knowledge to her. He was very clever, after all he did survive the Revolution. The auburn haired man soon finished and they headed back to their own dojo. Her thoughts were still somewhat rattled, even though her mood had settled back to its usual contended state. Even though the altercation hadn't escalated, she knew it could have, quite easily. She was certain the man beside her disapproved of her action and that was a terrible thing to consider. The last thing Kaoru wanted was to disappoint someone she admired and cared for. While they walked, the woman thought about what to say or if she should just leave the incident behind and not bring it up. Before she could say anything herself, Kenshin spoke up and said how good it would be to have someone finally stand up and prove that Tajima's ways were flawed and could be better used to protect people. When he finished by saying her own style could earn such respect, she gave him a wide smile. His words really meant a lot to her, as did his own opinions. It was a great relief to know he wasn't upset, even if they had differing ideas about handling some situations. "Thank you, Kenshin." She said. To her, Ryuuto and his father seemed to only understand things taught through the sword so if she had to go that route, so be it. "Of course, your help will be very vital to proving our point." She told him. As the Kamiya dojo came into view, she glanced at the food in his arms. "Why don't we make dinner together?" She suggested. "We could grill up some chicken and vegetables." She could already hear Yahiko's stomach growling.