The tidal wave struck. Soon after he gave his announcement the ambient noise in the small bar reached a crescendo. Scott rubbed his temples as he felt a headache begin to come. The din really got to him, being [I]this[/I] was a blessing he was indeed thankful for, but he also longed to be holed up in a nice quiet little place with a couple of oldtimers as regulars. Regardless he was here now and his warm smile never faltered as he grabbed bottles and filled glasses with grace and efficiency. A few more idiot kids like this one and he'd be back to the level of what Grandpa had left him. Regardless he decided to head to a nice Japanese Restauraunt for lunch tomorrow. He certainly made enough tonight already to pay his employee's wage for the week and not have to worry about spending on food. Speaking if his employee, he watched with bated breath as Reiji flipped and flourished the bottles of expensive alcohol in his hands as he poured their contents into a glass, making a cocktail he recognized as a Sex on The Beach. For as much of a heart attack the man was about to give him, Scott was so damn thankful that he applied a week ago. He shuddered to think about tackling tonights events by himself while he turned back to the lady he'd gotten an Adam for. The strong liquor this woman downed absolutely blew him away. The slender silver haired girl did not look like the alcoholic she was, and judging by the fact that she opened a tab, he knew that there was even more in her. When he finished mixing the drink she ordered in front of her, he wrote down on a pad of paper the glass of Adam she'd ordered and the cocktail he served just now, leaving the pen for her to fill out any other order she made. Chuckling good naturedly as he remembered what she told him. "If you drink this much on a good day, then how the hell do you function on a bad one?" He chided before moving on to another order. The maelstrom of patrons continued and he could catch glimpses of familiar faces here and there, he caught sight of the tall girl lumbering over through the storm, but couldn't follow with his eyes where she ended up. The doors slammed open and a mysterious looking biker fellow strode in like he owned the place before slinging a package over the bar. Scott had an idea of what it was, though he wasn't certain as he pushed Reiji aside to deal with the courier, taking the pen in hand and sloppily scrawling his signature on the digital interface. He flashed a crooked smirk to the biker before shouting "Thanks for that, can I get you anything?" over the din.