[center][h3][b][color=gold]Remmy || DWMA Classroom [/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Nobody. [hr][hr] [/center] Remmy had come as early as possible to DWMA that morning. It was about as soon as the doors opened, really. He had only arrived in Death City the night before and probably could've benefited from a little rest and relaxation, but the anxiety was too much. These early bird tendencies might as well have been both his greatest strength and weakness at the time. The reason? Coming early had only made his anxiety spike to even higher levels. And now the young teen who had found a comfortable seat in what would likely serve as his classroom noted that he had been officially sitting there and reading for over two hours. By now, people had begun filling the room wearing one of the same two labels: "MEISTERS" for some and "WEAPONS" for others. He was a Meister and therefore needed to pair himself with a weapon. Remmy was a little embarrassed to admit that while he had the ability to wield a Demon Weapon, he wasn't exactly physically fit and was definitely hoping that his weapon would be a gun of some sort. With his luck, he'd end up getting the extremely illogical weapon that was a scythe. [i]He certainly hoped that this wouldn't be the case.[/i] Glancing up from his book, he peered around the room, inspecting some of those who wore "WEAPON" labels. He wondered which of these would become his partner, if any. Who knows? Maybe his partner hadn't even arrived yet.