[@AimeChambers] -- (laughs eternally because of Vincent & Valentine, but now Viktor.) No worries; I will tell you ahead of time that the possible kingdoms he could've been at (for they exist, but are not touched upon in this roleplay) are the Kingdoms of Josphiel, Samael, Uriel, and Sandalphon. If it perks your interest to send him to one of these for a brief period of time, here's a tad bit of extra detail about these places in lore that admittedly, I've been too bad of a GM to post immediately. Since there's supposed to be little known about them, perhaps you can have Viktor staying in the outskirts of one of these kingdoms. Whether sent for study, which I will allow, or tutoring of a particular study, which I will still allow (all under the idea that the Kingdom of Raphael couldn't tolerate his behavior anymore, implying Viktor was always rebellious or wild), all I ask is for Viktor not to come back with some mass relationship formed between him and that kingdom. This is just for the fact that players don't start running off the current plot and into some other part of the map... (I'd like to use that area for future sources, whether in this roleplay or perhaps another version of it...) [hider=nevertheless here's some deets] There are kingdoms that exist beyond Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Lucifer. These kingdoms do not communicate with these four as much as the four communicate with each other. The other kingdoms are known as Jophiel, Samael, Sandalphon, and Uriel. While they share the same continent as the other four kingdoms, they are far from each other. These two groups of kingdoms do not depend on each other for trade. As Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, and Raphael are close, or were once, Josphiel, Samael, Sandalphon, and Uriel are the same. Due to the small amount of communication made between these groups across mountains, streams, and forests, very little is known about the four on the other side. The Kingdom of Joshpiel is known for their scholars and vast knowledge. The Kingdom of Samael is currently recognized with its constant conflict between the dead, undead, and living. The Kingdom of Sandalphon is known for their large armies and close-knit communities. The Kingdom of Uriel is known for their seers and arts. There is nothing else known about these kingdoms, who their rulers are, or what their tactics are like. Since they will not be present for the roleplay, as they are not planned to interfere with the current situation, they will not be making an appearance. [/hider] I suppose I can also allow some information about Joshpiel, Uriel, Sandalphon, and Samael to exist within the roleplay (especially speaking on parts about who their rulers are and recent events in that area), but I still wish to stress for players not to randomly fall off this map into another. Though you technically won't be falling off the map... You'll be falling out of the plot's primary area, and that's pretty much falling off the map for the time being. [@MonsieurShade] -- If it makes you feel better (which probably won't, so truly, don't sweat it! Mistakes happen), I can tell you about the time that I accidentally posted in a roleplay that I wasn't even in. Two threads with the similar names and similar people, I don't remember if I left the roleplay or not either, but I was quick to make a response... I posted and then realize I wasn't even in the roleplay. I won't ever live that down... [@lydyn] -- Hello there! I hope the following response answers all your questions, in hopes I have addressed them to the best of my ability. We still have room in the roleplay, and since we're still at the starting point, I'm still allowing players. You are free to jump in and join; just submit a profile or two, depending on the amount of characters you wish to play, and the CO-GM and I will approve or deny. (If you're denied, we'll definitely tell you what you can do to have your profile approved!) I cannot speak for my players, but I can speak for myself and say that I don't mind the fact that you play lesbians. In fact... Someone here (COUGHS [@Wisp]) would like this very much. I do hope that you keep your interest in the roleplay as it continues on though; while it may be romance, there are times of war, action, and battle. That doesn't mean we can't have both, but I hope the mix is alright with you. (My co-GM is getting feisty as I type so expect a ping from them... Unless they've already posted). As for a good character, you can still be from any kingdom and still technically be considered good by alignment (in Lucifer, well... that'll be hard to reason with, but perhaps out of redemption? I wouldn't highly recommend it; you could go from evil or neutral to good within the Kingdom of Lucifer, but that'll have to be overtime in the roleplay and you probably won't be starting off with good alignment). If that's not what you meant, then my apologies. As for roles you could apply for, depending on whether you want your character to be more of a fighter or not, we have the following... (And, forgive me for assuming, but I will be assuming that you will be interested in female roles, therefore I won't list open-prince roles.) [list][*]Princess of Gabriel [*]Lady-in-waiting of Raphael (Servant/Maid) [*]Knights, Warrior, or Bishop in any of Gabriel, Raphael, or Michael [*]Princess of Michael [/list] This list is slightly in order from most recommended to least based on the amount of persons in each kingdom, title of role, and what would be in your favor for this roleplay. If you have any more questions or comments, I'm here to listen! [hr] Now, after all this, back to writing! Edit :: E before U, E before U...