[@Natsucooldude] [quote=@Arawak] The whole local group! (Milky Way Galaxy is good) No one even colonized the mangellic clouds. [/quote] Wait... wait... the whole damn galaxy? Are you guys serious? Because, if we're RPing on that scale, we need some massive Sci-Fi technology that would have completely transfigured life beyond what we can even imagine right now. It's predicted that it will be hundreds of years, or longer, before we can even travel at what Star Trek (and many similar Sci-Fictions) calls "Warp 9", or roughly 4 light years a day. Moving at that speed, we couldn't even get across a QUARTER of our galaxy in 100 years. I propose that we shrink the RP zone to about 1/4th the Milky Way. Because any civilization with tech that can feasibly traverse the entire galaxy would be at least 500 years more advanced than 21st century, and I'm not sure we can realistically RP with technology more than 2 or 3 centuries ahead of our own. It's just not possible to imagine what life will be like [b]that far into the future[/b], and it's sure as hell not possible that we'll develop anything beyond "Warp 9" within the next few hundred years. (I mean, unless you want it to take several lifetimes to travel from one end of our Player Nations to the other...)